Erska's Anime

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Air Gear (TV) at start thius seemed like a great anime, but then they started violation their own rules and it go bad.
Akira (movie) seen the first few minutes, was eng and i didnt like it so I ended it there.
Ergo Proxy (TV) intresting, couldnt find enough episodes so I ended up dropping this
R.O.D -The TV- well.. after seeing the OAV I wanted more, I started watching this... but well, it wasnt like the OAV...they've overdone the paper-manipulating, maybe...or was it the fact that this is alot more social..hmmm...
Whistle! (TV) well.. sure, yeah...uum... didnt like how the opponents seemed to always have some strange idea, and then the guys won them in a game and they went all 'omg I was wrong, you guys are right!' well I stopped watching it
Wolf's Rain (TV) the story didnt inspire me, great animation yeah but well... I just forgot to watch this.
Yakitate!! Japan (TV) started off a little akwardly,became great, but went downhill soon again. that's when i stopped watching it. around the parts where 2 charas could create replications of themselves...