TyJ's Anime

I love Studio Ghibli, I guess these are my thoughts on all their movies...
P.S.- The numbers represent which order I like them in! 1= favourite, etc., etc.

Studio Ghibli Comment
Castle in the Sky (movie) (9.) (technically) First Studio Ghibli! It was really good, and I was mesmerized by it's hand drawn art (especially, when Laputa is falling apart) Well done movie! I wish I could have it higher on the list, but it's so bloody hard!
(The) Cat Returns (movie) (12.) This movie is crazy, I still speak in giberish everytime I asofijasognpajkrgpakermfg;lasmfg.
Grave of the Fireflies (movie) (2.) Wow, what can I say. This movie is EXTREMELY underrated, and that's one thing I love about it. It is a tear jerker, but definitely worth the number 2 spot. I tip my hat to you, Takahata.
Howl's Moving Castle (movie) (5.) The first Ghibli I ever witnessed. Being that first delve into a whole new era of movies for me, it will always have that special meaning to me. But it also has a really good story. Long live Calcifer.
Kiki's Delivery Service (movie) (7.) Yes, I like this movie more than Totoro, no I'm not an idiot. I really liked this movie. As cliche as it sounds, it reminded me of me. Well, all young teens anyway. The thought of moving to any city you want as a thirteen year old sounds like the best idea ever! Also moving out got her through some cray adventures. I guess you could say I was Jealous...
My Neighbor Totoro (movie) (10.) Some might say this is their favourite Ghibli. I loved it and thought it was adorable, but it didn't have any effect on my childhood :( Had I watched it as a child, it definitely would have been higher on the list. Maybe it should be higher, and I'm just fricken tired.
Only Yesterday (movie) (6.) I guess you could call me the underdog lover (not the movie, please don't remind of that) You can call me crazy for liking this movie more than spirited away, but for me it was a culture shock. This movie really brings Japan to life, and I'm in awe of Japanese culture and their way of living. This movie was a really good eye opener. That's why I loved it so much.
Porco Rosso (movie) (4.) This... was.. tough.. I couldn't decide whether Howl's moving or Porco Rosso should take this spot... Porco Rosso is shrouded in mystery and excitement. Turning between man and pig makes you want to jump into the movie and get to see his gosh darn human form, which adds a bit of sourness, but alas, it's bitter sweet. I really enjoy the hand to hand brawl in the ocean at the end to!
Princess Mononoke (movie) (1.) My favourite Studio Ghibli for sure. Words cannot describe. It had moments where I wanted to die it was so sad, but it also had it's moment where my abs were a washboard from laughing so hard.
Spirited Away (movie) (8.) Ahh, Spirited Away. I had my hopes and anticipations way to high for this movie. That sentence alone males me sound like a jerk, but let me explain myself! Every website, forum, book, ratings, etc., says that spirited away is the BEST Ghibli, Although I certainly enjoyed it, I was expecting mind blowing heart, passion, ideas, concepts, art and story. It certainly had all these things, but it didn't have as much heart, passion, or art as whisper of the heart. It didn't have amazing concepts like Howls moving castle (although Haku being a river is pretty cool.) It had a good plot, but Princess Mononoke is more exciting. You can hate or agree with me all you like.
Tales from Earthsea (movie) (11.) Tales from earthsea, I was expecting this movie to be the hidden gem in the Ghibli collection. I thought maybe it hadn't been realized because Goro made it, but it was for other reasons. I found it wasn't on the edge of your seat intense. It felt like a 4 vs. 2 battle, o wait, it was. I think it has A LOT of potential and could have been an amazing movie, but it didn't get quite there. Although it was based on a book, the author wasn't pleased with the outcome anyway, so what would he have had to lose if he made it better?
Whisper of the Heart (movie) (3.) This movie has heart, a big one at that. I love every single second if it's art and story. Absolutely brilliant.