krokokid's Anime

This section gives the action animes I watched because I ran out of action/romance series.

Action Rating
Ah! My Goddess (TV) Good
Evenhough the action is more at the end than at the beginning, this show is well worth looking at. There is a clear growing relationship between the two characters.
Angel Beats! (TV) Masterpiece
Wondering why this is a masterpiece? It is because of the amazing artwork, the hilarious moments, together with the sad and scary ones. It is by the same makers as Clannad and if you do not like the artstyle in there then this series will lose quite a lot of its charm.
Chaos;HEAd (TV) Masterpiece
Another masterpiece. Why? Because of its sheer awesomeness! The concepts used in this series are totally wacko, but when thought about they actually kind of make sense. The main character is interesting to no ends, and the suspense will keep you tied to your chair until this sadly very short series is over.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Excellent
The beginning will grapple you right from the start. You will be held in an airtight grip by the series and will only be let go once the series is over. You will so close to your screen that your eyes might go blind. That is the effect of this series. The sequel is even better than the first.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) Masterpiece
This is the sequel to Code Geass and is even better than the first season. The second part is the best of all, including all the symbols and other devices used within the series. The end will make you go "Oh My God!!!!!".
Death Note (TV) Very good
Amazing concepts in this series. A book that can kill anybody who's name is written in it is every child's dream. The first half of the series is cool and laid back, but the second part is rushed and it will become very confusing after a while.
Full Metal Panic! (TV) Very good
This series is incredibly funny. Do not watch this series for the action, and not for the romance either. no, if you watch Full Metal Panic, you watch for the laughter. The characters in this series are so incredibly hilarious that it is just impossible to not laugh throughout 1 episode.
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Very good
Steampunk power! Alchemy is a well known fantasy, and in this series it is reality. The action in this series is so amazing that is just impossible to rate this series any lower than this.
Kämpfer (TV) Good
This series is fun too watch, but I might like the gender bender genre more than others. There are some epic plot twists, yet the ecchi could have been left out.
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (TV) Good
An hilarious martial arts series that will make you look at martial arts differently from the moment you watch the series. There are no superpowers, yet the fighting scenes are intense. It makes you want to join the closest Dojo to your home.
Kurokami The Animation (TV) Good
Superpower martial arts! This series contains a lot of interesting concepts, but the most noticable one is the doppelganger system. The romance in this is arguably sad or happy, depending on who you want the main guy to end up with.
Last Exile (TV) Excellent
Steampunk, the best genre out there. That statement might seem biased, but after seeing this series you will have changed your mind about that. you will see steampunk through entirely new eyes, and will crave for more until the end of time.
One Piece (TV 1999)
Ranma ½ (TV) Good
Gender bender power! Ranma 1/2 is really fun to watch, hilarious most of the time. The 1/2 part of the name refers to the main guy transforming into a girl when in touch with cold water, and hot water has the reverse effect. The fighting is cool, but this series is more focused on the romantic comedy.
Shakugan no Shana (TV) Good
This series also employs interesting concepts. The main character is a girl tsundere, meaning a girl who goes from mean/selfish person to a more open person. The fighting scenes can become really intense, eventhough there are nothing compared to other series that focus only on the fighting.
Spice and Wolf (TV) Excellent
More romance than action, but still a worth watching if your into action. The series focuses a lot on the economy of the middle ages, which to some people might seem boring, but if you have the intellectual level to understand it you'll love it.
Trigun (TV) Excellent
No word can describe this series, I guess I will have to make a new word. It is neverseenbeforehilariousandamazing! Action - check, jokes - triple check, awesomeness - infinite checks. The setting of this series is a post apocalyptic planet, which is NOT earth. The plot is engaging and the character, especially Vash, will keep you glued to your chair.