Kimichi_Tsuzuku's Anime

take a look at Kimichi_Tsuzuku's Manga
Currently Watching Comment
Ai Yori Aoshi (TV) -First Episode- Looked very sweet and touching, reviews say it will degenerate into a harem-anime though.
Blue Seed (TV)
Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (TV)
Ceres, Celestial Legend (TV)
E's Otherwise (TV)
Hikaru no Go (TV) -First Episode- Kind of intriguing... probably be heavily Go (the japanese game) centered
Inuyasha (TV) -Currently Watching- Everytime you think you have Inuyasha-kun figured out, he surprises you. I think the adversarial relationship between Kagome and ('That Puppy Boy')Yasha is terribly funny. The only thing that bugs me is Kagome wears her fukus most of the time in the feudal era, and the Grandfather's compulsive lying about Kagome's illness... 'feminine problems' would have covered it all, dangit.
Master of Mosquiton '99 (TV)
Naruto (TV) -Currently Awaiting More Subtitled Episodes- Sakura-chan! Inner Sakura-chan is my fav. Naruto is Dennis the Menace of Shinobi, heehee.
Ragnarok The Animation (TV)
Saiyuki (TV)
Saiyuki Reload (TV)
Star Ocean EX (TV)
Tantei Gakuen Q (TV)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV) Mmm... Kurama... the fight scenes get fast forwarded through, but the plots a tad intriguing.