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Ah! My Goddess (TV) Very good (dub), Excellent (sub) (This is a longer take-off of the manga. I think it is better than the OVA.)
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy (TV) Good (I think the animation quality has really gone down, they rely on detailed stills instead of doing very much "real" animation. There is still the CGI animation, but is not blended in a way that is very appealing to me. I recommend only watching the first season, it has the most plot and story development. )
Ah! My Goddess: The Movie Good (dub), Excellent (sub) (This was the second anime movie I ever watched, and I am still amazed at the quality animation and spectacular overscore This a beautiful movie.)
Ai Yori Aoshi (TV) So-so (A stupid series. If you like girls with large boobs, you might like this.)
Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ (TV) So-so (A continuation of the first series, with plenty of boobs for all the people who like this stuff.)
Air Gear (TV) Very good (I didn't really care for the first few episodes of the series, but the more you watch, the better it gets, so just give it time. This is of course a typical shonen, "Guy gets awesome powers, strives to reach the 'top'" anime, but it is very funny and throws in a few different than usual twist. I am disappointed in animation, however, it is below average, but the story and awesome soundtrack make up for (The soundtrack is really good, even if you don't watch the series you should get the OST). I recommend reading the manga, which is a lot better than the anime, and a lot funnier.)
(The) Animatrix (OAV) Excellent (If you like the matrix (like me), this is a must-see. There are some animations that actually fill you in on the story before reloaded. There is a lot of beatifull animation here, as well as weird and pointless animation. )
Appleseed (movie) Good (I didn't care to much for this, all it has is good animation.)
Banner of the Stars (TV) Excellent (This is a great anime space sci-fi series. I love it. P.S The character design (artwork) is a little odd for my taste, but you might like it. )
Banner of the Stars II (TV) Excellent (Has a lot of battles that are very well animated and interesting to watch. I think its better than the first season. A true sci-fi anime. )
Banner of the Stars III (OAV) Good (This OVA basically shows whats going on in the main character's lives, after the main story is over.)
Battle Angel (OAV) Very good (It has good animation and nice artwork, not much story though. I guess you are supposed to read the manga first. The Japanese dubbed version is better, the english dub is very bad, all they do is whine and scream.)
Birdy the Mighty Decode:02 (TV) Excellent
Birdy the Mighty: Decode (TV) Excellent
Bleach (TV) Very good (dub), Excellent (sub) (This is an awesome series, I'm still watching it right now. The 1st season intro is really really good, It has a great song and good animation and artwork. The whole concept presented at the beginning of this anime is really cool; thats what made me interested. Fillers take over for a little while later on in the series(maybe a few dozen episodes), but don't let this deter you; the fillers aren't really horrible *cough*naruto*cough*. I recommend watching and skipping the filler episodes.)
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody Very good (I enjoyed this movie since I have been itching for some bleach action, as of late. There isn't any kind of story following the manga, though, as most anime movies tend to do. Animation wasn't too bad, could have been better, but satisfied me in the end. All in all, for an anime movie that doesn't follow the manga, I thought the movie was pretty decent.)
Bleach: Memories in the Rain (OAV) Good (A few new frames but mostly recycled stuff pieced together to get a new look on ichigo's fight with the king Fisher. )
Bleach: The Sealed Sword Frenzy (OAV) Very good (Nice animation, weak story. Watch this of you are a bleach fan.)
Blood+ (TV) Good (The story took too long to unwind, I think there is better anime out there. I still liked it a little though ;) )
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan (TV) Decent (This is a very weird anime, I thought it was supposed to have some plot, but it almost has none. It is funny though, and it kind of goes into the category that Cromartie Highschool is in (watch Cromartie High, you won't be disappointed), the "Funky Fo Shizzle of Doom" category (funny and crazy comedy).)
Castle in the Sky (movie) Excellent (dub & sub) (A little more for kids, but It is still a great movie!)
Chobits (TV) Very good (dub), Excellent (sub) (This is a must-see series, the animation is excellent, the music is great (I really like the opening and 2nd ending), and the story is really very good. The original story was by CLAMP, a group of japanese ladies! )
Chobits (OAV) Good (Shows whats happening after the last episode of the TV show.)
Chrono Crusade (TV) Good (This series has the usual GONZO stuff with it, but is suprisingly good.)
Claymore (TV) Excellent (Claymore......when mentioned among a group of people, they will probably think you are referencing a type of sword. But now there is an anime that holds the name of "claymore". Heheh, I just wanted to say the for some reason - now for the review. Claymore is a very unique type of anime: the characters-and character designs-are all very interesting when compared to other anime series, especially when compared to medieval-type fantasies. Another object of the anime that threw me a few times, is that I honestly couldn't figure out who the main character was until mid-way through the episodes; that is rather odd, I think. Animation- The animation studio that animated Claymore was Madhouse, which is a very well known studio that has produced many excellent anime titles. In Claymore, I feel that Madhouse didn't let up on their animation genius at all; each individual cel is beautifully drawn, and the action scenes are smoothly drawn and animated. Background art for Claymore is gorgeous, sometimes even breathtaking; for bringing about the general "feeling" of the story, the backgrounds do a marvelous job. The settings for the story are excellent, and actually assist in bringing out the mood of what is taking place at that time in the story. With claymore, Madhouse went with beauty and elegance, not the cheap way out. Sound/Music- Sound engineering for Claymore is well done, and does what it's supposed to; in anime like Claymore, having jaw-dropping sound effects is not a good idea, because it takes the viewers concentration away from what's happening on-screen (The sound engineers and director seem to know this well enough). The music can seem all too typical at some times: un-original orchestral scores and such(although it gets the job done), But then, out of no where, a solid piece of heavy ambient rock kicks-in, bringing the excitement back. There are a few bits of of the music that have a uniqueness about them, keeping an originality to the soundtrack. Story- This is the part of the anime that really threw me. First of all, I couldn't figure out who was supposed to be the lead character! Everything starts out centering around a young boy, named "Raki", but then jumps to the back story of an unknown person! I can't say anything else, or I might give away some plot elements, but all of this made me confused and downright frustrated. The world that the anime is set in is very interesting: the characters, the towns, the creatures, the landscapes, all of it is fascinating. I came out mildly dissatisfied at the end of Claymore, but still wishing for episodes to watch. The big problem with Claymore, is that the direction of the story-similar to the main character problem- is hard to figure out! When a small amount of direction did appear, I would start to get more interested, but then, it all dissapeared. The only reason I can think of this pattern (or lack of pattern) being used, is to bring a sense of realism to Claymore, since real life is not very predictable. At the end of the anime, I was feeling disappointed, yet still a little bit satisfied; I hope there will be a sequel. Give Claymore a shot, even if you don't care for medieval fantasy-styled anime.)
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Masterpiece (Wow.....I am enthralled by this anime! I WANT SEASON 2 NOW !!!!!, sorry, just relieving some anger and frustration. Sunrise has hit it on THE spot with Code Geass, I can't think of anytime that I have been so excited about the second season of a TV show or anime! I "geass" this isn't making too much sense to you, the reader, at the moment. Well, let me just tell you about the wonders of Code Geass! Sound: Okay, I have heard bad sound in some anime, I've heard some really good sound in anime, I've heard sound designing that makes me want to weld my ears shut...And then I have heard the harmony of Code Geass. That is the only way I can put it, the sound does what It is supposed to due, blend with the animation. Animation: Sunrise was the animation powerhouse for this series, and you can really tell by the trademark heavy use of motion tweening, recycled images, animation style, and....really, really well done animation! Yes, there might be some recycling going on, and there is motion tweening, but everything fits so well that you don't think about something like that. The animation quality as far as the frame rates and picture quality goes, is of superbly marvelous quality; the animation puts other shows to very deep shame. Art: Yes, this anime has some artistic touch to it, the mangaka group, "Clamp", designed the characters. The characters do however seem to hold a certain "feel" to them that might have you thinking that you are watching Gundam Seed. Don't worry though, the characters ARE different. The animation in Code Geass is not just "animation", created to make people say "Wow" at high frame rates; it is art, created to bring the viewer into a different world, and a different way of viewing anime. Music: The first opening for the anime is probably almost my new favorite out of all the anime I've seen (Even Bleach). The theme actually brings a sort of meaning to each episode, not just some snazzy tune out of the latest J-Pop; It (The Theme) also acts as a way of building tension in a few episode, and makes you very much wish to find out what the next episode will reveal. Besides the opening themes, the music really does it's job and sets a mood for the particular moment. The music didn't just stand out to me like a skunk on a baron road(Like some anime); the music melds with the create an atmosphere for the characters to reside in. Story: I can't think of an anime that has been so clever. When I say clever, I mean realistic clever, not that crap when something is achieved and it has you saying, "What the crap?". The main character, Lelouch, seem very smart in a very real way. Besides just being clever, each episode of Code Geass leaves you wanting more, and boy, if you are only renting one DVD or downloading a few episodes, you are going to be biting your tongue while you wait for the next episode to finish download (Hopefully you won't drive like a mad man to the rental store). The story is very interesting, and this anime thrives off of the story, not just simply stitching together some animation and sound. I don't want to spoil anything about the storyline, so you should just watch Code Geass and decide what you think of it. Overall: A very amazing anime. One notable thing about Code Geass is that the characters are very deep and actually "create" the show. But on the other hand, the sheer amount of interesting characters can be too much, which results in some of the main characters not having enough time on screen. I do love this anime though; this is the next big thing from sunrise, not just another Gundam remake (although the scenario is sort of similar) Rating: 9/10 (Lolz, I actually rated by numberz))
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) Excellent
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Masterpiece (edit.dub & sub) (When I first started this series I wasn't to thrilled, but after watching the whole thing I can easily say it is one of the best anime I have ever seen. The animation alone dominates even well done movies, it also has excellent CGI (a lot better than recent projects, and it was made in 1998!) P.S The animation rivals the famouse End of Evangelion! That is definetly saying something! This is the ultimate must-see! Don't assume it is not that interesting by only watching the first few episodes, watch the whole thing! )
Crest of the Stars (TV) Excellent (The whole thing that started Banner of the Stars. Not very much fighting. )
Cromartie High School (TV) Good (sub), Very good (dub) (This is the most funny anime I have ever watched. People must watch this! (side note) It is a lot funnier in English, the voices in English are great and some of the japanese jokes are made more understandable in English. Gah! The pure randomness of Cromartie High makes me want to barbecue an Egyptian groundhog, even if those don't exist!)
D.Gray-man (TV) Excellent
Darker than Black (TV) Masterpiece
Dead Leaves (OAV) Good (This show is craaaazy, it just keeps moving, and moving.....and moving! The animation reminds me of the crazy scenes in FLCL. The same studio did animation for FLCL animated this anyway. There isn't too much of a good story, but if you want some crazy action, you might like this. Personally, I thought it a bit strange.)
Death Note (TV) Masterpiece (Wow....I am simply in awe of this anime. The cleverness, smartness, mystery, horror, action, drama, evil, good, and everything else, balance out nearly perfectly in Death Note. Animation is holy crap good, voice acting is amazing, sound is realistically blended, music evokes emotions and sets the mood, characters characters are probably the best from any other anime in existence, story is mind boggling; everything is perfect. Death note is probably my new favorite anime; Death note is the closest thing to perfection there can be when compared to every other anime. Death Note simply takes my breath away. The characters are so well developed, that you feel that they are almost real. If you haven't seen Death are missing soooo much.)
El Hazard: The Alternative World (TV) Good (Has some slow moments, but overall is not that bad.)
El-Hazard 2: The Magnificent World (OAV) Good (Uhhhh.....)
El-Hazard: The Magnificent World (OAV) Very good (If you want to see any of the "El Hazard OVAs or TV Series", go with this OVA. The other ones are not anywhere as good. )
Elfen Lied (TV) Excellent (dub & sub) (This has beautiful animation and a good storyline. One of the most gory anime you can watch.)
Ergo Proxy (TV) Excellent (Truly an amazing anime. The intro is amazing, I love the opening song. Animation is outstanding. Music is absolutely splendid. The story is confusing, but will reel you in for more. The characters are really, really good; Pino is so cute! The landscapes are fascinating in a strange way, and the colors are intriguing to me. Some people might like Ergo Proxy, other might not like it.)
Eureka Seven (TV) Masterpiece (I love this series, Excellent animation, great plot, good story, good soundtrack, overall goodness and some funky techno with it. Animation is outstanding, characters are intriguing, music is overwhelmingly awesome, story is fascinating; I think that is all you peoplez need to know. Go and watch now! )
Fafner (TV) Very good
(The) Familiar of Zero (TV) Good
(The) Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons (TV) Good
Fate/stay night (TV) Excellent (I went ahead and watched this anime due to good reviews. To be honest I was expecting crap, but all-in-all F/SN is very good. The first thing that surprised me was the the smooth animation and gorgeous artwork. Usually animation quality is comprised when the artwork is good, and vice-verse, but not in this case. I didn't really see more that a few spots where the animation wasn't good or the artwork was lacking. The BGmusic is great in the sense that it sets the mood very well and actually sounds good. It wasn't all that "cute" music that can plague anime, neither was it abnormal instrumentals and stuff. The main characters are well designed and are not generic (especially Saber, the main female). A few of the more minor characters do hold a little more of a genericness to them, though, and one character in particular just seemed misplaced (Sakura, or maybe that guy with glasses).)
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie) Very good (Excellent CGI animation.)
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (US CG movie) Very good (Didn't get much hype, but it still great CGI. P.S Don't know why it is on the anime list since its not an anime. )
(The) Final Flight of the Osiris (OAV) Excellent (One of the animation included with "The Animatrix". Excellent CGI animation, and also a storyline that fills you in on somethings. )
FLCL (OAV) Masterpiece (Crazy goodness, I love this show. MUST WATCH THIS. FLCL is probably the anime that most well defines the "Crazy funky jazz, but still a story!" genre of anime. Lots of random things happen in the anime, but everything just seems "cool". The music for FLCL is one of a kind; a band was, I guess, "commissioned" to make the music and stuff. Well, that band did a really good job (The band's name is" The Pillows", which is weird). Animation was done by production I.G, while the crazy story was planned by GAINAX. )
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) Excellent
Full Metal Panic! (TV) Very good
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV) Excellent
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (OAV) Excellent
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) Very good (Some funky jazz with good animation. )
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Excellent (dub), Masterpiece (sub) (A great plot and story, topped off with good animation and maybe some humor = FMA.)
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa Decent (A money maker movie. Horrible story, not following the original manga, obviously. If you want some animation that is called Full Metal Alchemist, you can watch this.)
Gantz (TV) Very good (Good artwork, bad stuff. I like the story, but there are some graphic things in this series. Getting an edited version is best. )
Gate Keepers (TV) Very good (Hmmmm, the beginning of this anime seems like the typical boy gets magical power and fights evil, but towards the ending, the story starts to stand out a bit. The character designs are very interesting for most of the characters, but the anime for some reason decided to make some of the characters into little kids with squeaky voices that annoy the heck out of you. The animation is very good, and since this was animated by Gonzo, there is a bit of good 3D animation (although not anywhere near the amount of 3D animation that Gonzo's current animations contain). This is a nice anime to watch, although don't expect some great masterpiece.)
Gate Keepers 21 (OAV) Good (A continuation of the gate keepers anime series. There are not very many characters from the original anime in this, but rather the next generation of gatekeepers are now the main characters. The story is a lot darker in gatekeepers 21, a lot more than the original anime, I do not remember there being ANY jokes or light moods in GK21. The animation is pretty good, there is more 3D animation in this than the original. The backgrounds are very detailed and certainly set a mood for the show. The atmosphere of GK21is of a very lonesome and hopeless world, it can make you feel depressed. One of the songs in the GK21is very moving and sets some great moods for the show, the reason I say "one of the songs" is because Gonzo switches the song between the ending and beginning of the episodes and also uses it for BGM. GK21 answers some questions that were remaining from the first anime, but doesn't answer all of them *Spoiler* (Did Ruriko and Shun get married???) *End Spoiler*. The entire *feel* of the GK21 is very different than the first GK anime!)
Geneshaft (TV) Decent (Good music that doesn't fit the series, good animation and a main character that looks like the one from gunbuster. )
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) Masterpiece (Superb. Masterfully enthralling, Mind bending. This anime has literally redefined what I consider "good anime", or rather, what I consider "a good intellectually mind bending story". Watch Ghost in the Shel: SAC, and be amazed.)
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka (TV) Masterpiece (I love this series, it is hilarious! The first intro is awesome and is one of my favorites from all the anime series I've seen, the second intro isn't quit as good, but it is still well above average. The main character, Onizuka, isone of my favorite anime characters, I laughed my head off many times from watching the facial expressions he makes. This is probably the funniest anime I've seen that actually has a little plot (Unlike "Cromartie Highschool"). The only bad thing about this series is towards the end the animation quality goes down a tad (not a major decrease, but there is still some difference), and the scenarios that are created aren't as entertaining. The very end of the anime is very abrupt, but it is still a very good ending that doesn't leave you in the blank. I strongly recommend this anime if only for watching the crazy expressions of Onizuka. P.S I am very surprised that this show hasn't gotten more "publicity". )
Gunbuster (OAV) Very good (A nice classic by GAINAX. (I love GAINAX sandwiches))
Gurren Lagann (TV) Masterpiece (".....amazing........" Those were my spoken words after I watched TTGL; Besides having a long name for a title, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann will blow your mind with it's awesome funky jazz sexy goodness. Gainax was the production studio for TTGL, so you know it's going to be something different. But Gainax, has yet again, ceased to amaze me. Animation- Woo, where to start? The style used in TTGL is something I have literally never experienced before. Fast paced, High resolution, detailed spouts of action, along with beautifully detailed stills of explosions and landscapes. Oh, and all twenty-seven episodes are drawn in 720p, which makes everything look freakin' awesome when viewed on an HD monitor/TV. The animation through all of the episodes is very consistent, except maybe for Ep 4, which I will talk about later. I can't really describe the animation adequately with words, it is something you have to see for yourself (you won't be dissapointed). Sound/music- Sound engineering is done very well in all of the episodes; sounds are recycled too often. The soundtrack for TTGL is one of the best I've heard in a long, long time. Lots of original works, and well chosen tracks from Japanese artist make up the musical aspect of TTGL. The music is, like the animation, something you have to experience in order to know the full meaning of awesomeness. Story- Well, TTGL is definitely NOT a drama. It would be safe to say that this show will appeal more to the male, and lesser to the female -young males in particular. TTGL is an adventure of the most epic proportions, engulfing the whole universe, and time itself! The story will have you happy at certain moments, sad (if not crying) at others. You aren't just watching an anime, you are partaking on an epic journey! Gainax has really pulled off an original type of setting and formula for TTGL; although the series is a pun on the whole "big mecha" genre. I'm not one to fancy mecha anime, mostly because of the ridiculous circumstances the plots tend to take, but TTGL is different, TTGL tells us "Yeah, everything is overdone, most of this stuff couldn't possibly come close to happening in real life, but we don't care!"-that is what makes TTGL magnificent. Characters- The characters are the soul of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, without them, there would be no spoon(obvious Matrix pun). Simon, the main male character, is awesome, he ranks very high on the awesomeness meter. But the character that really gave the series a big boost, is Kamina. Kamina is simply hilarious, he had me laughing very hard, yet at other times, his words actually meant something. Another great character is Yoko-she is one of the hottest female characters I've seen in anime. Like everything else in TTGL, you have to meet the characters to understand the awesomeness. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is easily one of my favorite anime. Gainax has really outdone themselves this time; TTGL is something that can't be explained by words, as you have probably figured out by now. ALL HAIL GAINAX!)
.hack//Intermezzo (OAV) Good (...)
.hack//SIGN (TV) Excellent (The moment I watched this I wanted to play an MMORPG. This is a great series with really good animation and music. )
.hack//Unison (OAV) Very good (Ending for .hack//SIGN)
Haibane Renmei (TV) Masterpiece (Wow! This is probably the best anime drama I've seen! A very interesting story that makes you think, along with good animation and good music, makes this a great drama. Sometimes you need to take a break from those wild and crazy gun-totin' action anime and watch something like this.)
Howl's Moving Castle (movie) Excellent (Another classic and strange but beautiful movie by Ghibli)
Kiddy Grade (TV) Good
Last Exile (TV) Excellent (Unique GONZO animation with a good story. The characters are really well done. The whole "feel" of this show is very unique and interesting.)
Last Order Final Fantasy VII (OAV) Decent (I don't really get this OVA, but is has some fairly good animation.)
Love Hina (TV) Good (dub & sub) (This series has good music and humor.)
Maburaho (TV) Good (A fairly light hearted anime. Animation isn't the best, but doesn't totally suck. Story is a tad bit lame. A good anime to watch when bored.)
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (OAV) Not really good (I dunno, this is kind of weird.)
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (TV) Excellent (Whooo, this is one crazy anime! The first thing I want to say is I love all of the puns that are made in the episodes, and when I say "puns", I am talking about Japanese culture to American movies and more! The animation is pretty good, but nothing spectacular. The music can be very good, to very weird. The voice acting seems alright, but in some scenes the voice actors weren't really loud enough to make the character look like "it" was yelling. The story is crazy, but we can expect that kind of stuff from Gainax. There is a good story, though, and there is a very good ending. I am surprised this show hasn't gotten better ratings. I would recommend this anime to people that love action and craziness, but also want a good story as well. )
Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden (TV) Very good (dub & sub) (This is a good series by gainax, not quite the style I'm used to, but it is still good in my eyes. The first season is actually not as good as the second season, the second season really gets into the story a lot more and doesn't just play around with scenarios. Give this series time and you will be glad to have seen it. Note: There is a lot of nude girls thru-out the episodes, but not in a horribly sick manner. )
Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful (TV) Excellent (dub & sub) (The better part of Mahoromatic, this wraps everything up. The animation seems to get a boost in quality and the actual story gets underway. The japanese version, like in so many other anime, provides a better viewing experience even if you hate subs. The English version makes all the young characters sound like adults, even though they are only middle school kids. )
Mahoromatic: Summer Special Good (dub), Very good (sub) (A fun special with the subject being the "dirty" magazines that Suguru and friends worship. )
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Masterpiece (WOW!!! The story is very good, and the characters, even though they might seem typical, are very unique. The music and lots of the comedic scenes remind me of Great Teacher Onizuka, and that is definitely saying the comedy scenes are good. Oh, the animation is SUPERGREATCOOLFUNKYJAZZGREATNESS!!!!!!!! Probably the-best-animation-I-have-ever-seen, even when considering Cowboy Bebop and End of Eva. This is probably the most perfect anime of all time, there are not really ANY weak spots in all 14 episodes. You will always be entertained, there is always something going on in the scene, whether it be comedic voice acting or super-awesome animation. I cannot stress how much you need to see this anime, I am still in awe of it! This is probably my favorite anime, period. YOU MUUUUUUST WATCH THIS!!!! Edit: The ending song and animation for the episodes are soooo catchy and really well animated. The Beginning is also really catchy and and is one of the best animated and most well-done intros I have seen (I can't decide which intro I like better, Bleach 1st season or this intro). The music that plays during the next episode preview reminds me so much of the music that plays during Evangelion's episode preview.)
Midori Days (TV) Very good (I know this might seem like a really weird anime to some, but it is better to watch it and see what you think after you have watched it. I really liked it. )
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) Very good (dub & sub) (I thought "What the heck am I watching this for?!?!" when my friend lent me the "perfect collection". But know, after watching all the episodes, I am really glad I saw it. The characters are the main part of this anime. Some episodes will leave cliffhangers, which Sunrise seems to love having in lots of the anime they produce.)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (TV) Good (Basically the same story as the original, except with different characters, and a few other changes. It's not as good as the first gundam seed. )
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM (movie) Good (Mostly a recap of the first series, but it does have newly and better animated scenes. )
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV) Good (sub), Very good (dub) (The first gundam series I ever watched and also one of the first anime I ever watched. Must -see )
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (OAV) Very good (I didn't think much of the plot, but it has good animation. )
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Special Edition (movie) Very good (Money Maker (tm))
MoonPhase (TV) Masterpiece (When a Japanese animation studio decides to animate a series, plans and storyboards the series, and writes the script, I really wonder what kind of processes they use, or what kind of drug they are on when doing so. My reason for wondering this is because I've watched MoonPhase, and have been wowed (and slightly weirded) by the *ahem* uniqueness of the show. Let me start out by saying this: if you don't like weird comedy and, well, general weirdness, then you need to stop reading right now and forget MoonPhase---forever. But anyone who loves a certain elegant uniqueness, despises cliched themes, and loves intertwined beauty, comedy, and strong characters.....jackpot! I will admit that I am in love with this anime; I've never seen such a story pulled off in such a brilliant way. My expectations were of a cutey, comedic show, with barely any story to it (I was presumptions, I must say); my expectations were not met, but in a rather better turn of events, greatly blown away and left in the dust whilst I yearned to find out what the next episode contained and unraveled of the excellent story, and how the characters would develop together in this very interesting world, called MoonPHase. Yes, this anime (in my opinion) is excellent, if not a masterpiece. The humor is just so far fetched and and strange, that it really is not something that I've ever seen before in any anime. Take for example episode 26, which is a "just for fun" episode.....well, I can't describe it, lest I be called crazy (or crazier). But wait just one second; this show is not a comedy, but a splendid mix which happens to have "comedy" in the ingredients, along with drama, action, fantasy, vampires, a love story, and true feeling to boot! Oh, and there is a definite cute "cat girl" theme as well, but is mostly a background subtlety. But a big thing in this series is the subtle things in the background, and the small touches that really add to the quality of production. Talking about the production quality---which is great---, I am really, really impressed with every aspect of the production; animation is great and consistent, which places the characters and story in a lush and atmospheric environment, with beautiful colors, striking action scenes, gloomy buildings, and bright scenes as well. The camera angles and stylish digital camera work really deserve praise, as they emphasize and enhance what is needed beautifully. Music for MoonPhase is one excellent, creating moods and feelings in the viewer for each scene, making for an amazing experience when watching. I particularly love the opening music, the song being titled "Cat-Ear Mode"; when a song is called "Cat-Ear Mode", you KNOW its gonna be good! The opening does border on schizophrenic hallucinations, but still has a certain cuteness along with that addicting music, making it irresistible to watch every episode. CAT....EAR....MODE....drooooool...... I watched the series with the English voice actors, which I found to be quite good at portraying their characters, and, surprisingly, breathed even more life into the series. Watching anime in Japanese with English subtitles has always been my thing up until recently; I've been watching a few with English audio instead. Having the characters speak in my own language frees me up to concentrate on what is taking place, and to absorb the story better---I also feel more connected to the characters, since I can really understand them better (partially thanks to the English writer's adaption of Japanese meanings). Now to the story: Oh boy, I am really in love with it! My view of Vampires has really changed since watching MoonPhase; the series puts a totally different spin on the whole lot, and creates a different feeling to them than what I've generally run into with Hollywood. The world that the characters live in is quite entertaining and mysterious, and makes for a perfect backdrop for the drama and comedy to unfold in. I might spoil a little bit by saying this, but I feel that I must mention it (Skip this part if you deeply dislike any form of spoiler): the main focus of the story is on two characters, Hazuki the Vampire and Kohei the Human. Kohei and Hazuki develop a liking for each other (more of a brother-sister kind of thing) most likely because of the way they met, and the story really closely follows the relationship between the two, and the development of these two individuals. +END SPOILER+ I personally loved watching the relationship between the two main characters, and seeing how the story unfolded and the growth of each character in the series. Overall, this is an amazing series, there will probably never be one like it again, and I highly encourage you to at least sample it. The uniqueness factor is 10/10)
Mushi-Shi (TV) Masterpiece (This is not your typical anime! Art and style just ooze out of this anime, and the animation of very consistent and well done. Also, the backgrounds for this series are so beautiful, the character design is superb, and also the characters don't have pink or green hair, just all natural colors!!! You do not want to miss this show, watch it!)
My-HiME (TV) Very good (I thought the story was fairly good, but for this anime what pleased me more was the production quality, constistent animation with good "camera" angles and transitions, which made this a lot better than the average anime.)
Naruto (TV) Very good (dub), Excellent (sub) (Used to be one of my all-time favorite series, but not anymore :P I'm still watching it right now. I recommend watching this...except the fillers ^_^ The animation in the fighting scenes is very good (considering each episode is animated in a very short time), the soundtrack is really good, and the storyline is good. Naruto Hurricane Chronicles is no where as good as the original Naruto. )
Naruto Shippūden (TV) Good (Finally naruto resumes story telling mode and dumps filler mode (For the moment at least). The animation seems to have been stepped up. The style and feel of the new episodes makes naruto hurricane chronicles look better and also makes naruto look more mature. Shippuuden also seems darker, not quit as light hearted as the original series. This is a must see for naruto fans.)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Excellent (dub & sub) (A true classic among anime fans, this is the first adult anime I ever watched and I still regard it as one of my favorites. I recommend watching NGE after seeing some other anime first though, as it will make other anime look boring for a while. (side note) The almighty GainaX came to glory with NGE. )
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth (movie) Excellent (A recap of the series as well as the first part of "end of evangelion". )
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (movie) Excellent (This movie has the best animation I have ever seen even though its over TEN years old! A spectacular but confusing way to end NGE. WARNING: This movie contains very extreme nudity and gore. )
Now and Then, Here and There (TV) Excellent (A very good show, it is kind of different than other anime, but in a good way. The art design is rather LQ, but the animation isn't that bad and the story/plot more than makes up for it. )
Oh My Goddess! (OAV) Very good (One of the first anime I ever saw in this genre, and it caught my attention. This is a classic. )
Outlaw Star (TV) Excellent (This anime reminds me of cowboy bebop, so I guess it's no coincidence that sunrise studios happened to do the animation as well. Nice story, excellent animation, excellent sound (the sound engineering is GREAT, I really enjoyed just listening to the sound) and music, and interesting characters.)
Overman King Gainer (TV) Excellent
(The) Place Promised in Our Early Days (movie) Masterpiece (This is one of my favorite anime. The animation is beyond words, not in the good framerates, but in beautiful backgrounds and rich color. But there is still good animation (CGI also). The story is very interesting. This is a must-see anime. )
Planetes (TV) Masterpiece (This is a great anime, the story is really good and the animation is beautiful and well done. The japanese voice acting is also some of the best I have ever heard. The sound engineers outdid themselves with this series too. I wish there were more anime like this.)
Pokémon (TV) Good (The original thing that started the pokemon universe. This is better than the vastly stupid pokemon shows that are airing today.)
Pokémon 2000 - The Movie (movie 2) Not really good (Not as bad as the first movie, but still not very good. I also saw this movie when I was younger.)
Pokémon: The First Movie (movie 1) Bad (Very stupid. I saw this when I was younger.)
Princess Mononoke (movie) Masterpiece (Wow, this is an amazing movie! This is my favorite Miyuzaki film so far.)
Rozen Maiden (TV) Excellent
Rozen Maiden: Träumend (TV) Very good
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal (OAV) Masterpiece (A very beautiful anime. The animation is good, but the artwork and character design really make Trust and Betrayal stand out from ALL other anime. The soundtrack is very good and does what it is supposed to do, and that is to set a mood for the scene and the entire show, the soundtrack doesn't distract you, doesn't sound horrible, and is original. The story is very good and pulls you right in. The pace of the story is very steady, it doesn't stall for long periods or rush by you in a snap. This is what good anime should look like, unlike the tons of stupid chibi girls that possess the anime industry.)
S-CRY-ed (TV) So-so
Serial Experiments Lain (TV) Very good (A lot of people seem to really like this series, but I got bored watching it. It had its good times, but I just didn't get hooked on it or anything (especially with the stupid looking characters). The CGI in it is good though, considering this is a fairly old anime. )
Shakugan no Shana (TV) Excellent
Shakugan no Shana Second (TV) Excellent
She, The Ultimate Weapon (TV) Good (This is a very strange show, It had me confused and sorta freaked out sometimes. The story is very weird, mostly due to the fact that you don't EVER learn anything about what is going on! I got kind of frustrated by not knowing the back story. But I didn't waste my time. If you like drama/sci-fi, I can reassuringly say that you will love SaiKano.)
Spirited Away (movie) Masterpiece (Another masterpiece by Miyuzaki! The english dubs on the Miyuzaki films are really good, so I watch them in english.)
Tenchi Forever!: The Movie Not really good (I don't like this movie very much, its not the same style as the OVAs. )
Tenchi Muyo! (OAV 1/1992) Excellent (I like this series alot, even if it is really old. This is a good series to watch. )
Tenchi Muyo! GXP (TV) Good (I mostly watched this to see if there was anything that would involve the original storyline, and there was a few things. )
Tenchi Muyo! Mihoshi Special Decent (......)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki (OAV 3/2003) Very good (This finally wraps-up the tenchi muyo OVA storyline. The artwork is a little different than the first two OVAs, but its still a good OVA. The ending is kind of odd. )
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (OAV 2/1994) Excellent (A continuation of the first OVA. Another good anime.)
Tenchi Muyo! The Night Before The Carnival (OAV) So-so (I can't remember.)
Tenchi the Movie - Tenchi Muyo in Love Very good (.......I don't like the tenchi muyo movies very much, I prefer the OVAs.)
Tenchi The Movie 2 - The Daughter of Darkness Good (Another add-on to the overdone tenchi muyo series. Only watch this if you are a fan of the series.)
Tenchi Universe (TV) Decent (I got bored in some parts of this, it takes a twist of the tenchi muyo series. The original is better. )
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World (TV) Excellent (This doesn't seem to be a gainax anime to me, I'm used to Evangelion, Mahoromatic and FLCL. But that doesn't mean its not good, the animation is very good, the design of some of the characters looks kind of weird, but some also look great. I think they should of had more episodes(24 instead 12), mostly because they didn't have enough time to get the story going and make it more interesting. If this was a 26 episode series I think it would have been a lot better. I might be kind of confusing, but don't get me wrong, I still think the show is good. The style/presentation is different than most other anime, which might make some people happy, or not so happy. I personally liked the entire "feel" of the anime, and the ending in my eyes can seem disappointing at times but still intriguing. I guess my opinion keeps changing on this anime, it certainly cannot be judged by just quickly watching it, you have to think about this one a lot. Lol, I keep going on about this. Just watch this anime, it was certainly a surprise find for me )
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV) Masterpiece (This anime is in a genre of it's own. No other anime I have ever seen is like this one; let me explain why I think so: The Twelve Kingdoms thrives off of it's characters. No characters, no anime. Of course, every show pretty much has to have some kind of relatable soul for guiding audiences through the show. But in The Twelve Kingdoms, the characters live and breathe, feel pain and also happiness. They will take you with them on every adventure, regardless of whether you like it or not (well, you can stop watching the anime...)! The intricate world which the characters live in is vast and amazing, never feeling fake or made-up. There are not any minor characters in this show. Not one. Every character has their own name, attitude, and design. By the end of the anime, you will feel like you've made some new acquaintances; I kid not. All of the Morals that this anime gives are true and real, not vague and ridiculous crap that doesn't mean anything or suit anyone. The animation is superb, with consistency that is almost unheard of, and art work that is worthy of an art gallery. Beautiful animation doesn't have to be flashy, but rather, it should be real and life-like. This is achieved splendidly. The sound design started off weak, but soon picked, and before I knew it, was soaring past my expectations considerably. The music is powerful and meaningful, opposite of the typical J-Pop song intro and filler (the opening has an original score from the show as the BGM). Story: well, the story ties in closely with the characters as they develop into different people, and just generally live their lives. The characters make the story (the characters ARE the story), and as such, there is less story, and more adventure. I just can't say enough about the awesome character design! Bravo, Studio Pierrot, you've done will with this anime.)
Vandread (TV) Very good (Gonzo did this, big whoop. I liked the story though, so watch this. )
Vandread: The Second Stage (TV) Very good (The second planned season of Vandread. )
Voices of a Distant Star (OAV) Very good (This is another beautifull animation by the guys that did "The Place Promised in our Early Days". This is definetly another must-see. It looks almost the same as the other movie also.)
Welcome to the NHK (TV) Masterpiece (Gonzo really pulled off a good one with Welcome to the N.H.K. The animation and style of is really quit good and very interesting. Along with the good animation comes great BGM that really sets the mood, and very well engineered SFX. The intro song is very fitting for the series, and the animation and art is an eye pleasing experience. I was watching the intro for just about every episode until the last episode because of the catchy song and animation. The ending animations for N.H.K are very well done, the first ending is kind of funny, and humorous, as well as having another catchy and fun song that is befitting of the series. The second ending goes along with the more serious story of the second part of the twenty-four episodes, the song is slower paced and a little more lonely sounding. The animation is also slower and less comical. Okay, enough of the technical details, let me tell you about the story of this awesome anime! Satou is a shut-in twenty-one year old guy who has no life, he just sits in his apartment all day and night. The only time he goes out is when he needs essential items (Food, toiletries, etc...), and on Friday nights to a park close to his apartment. In Japan, people like Satou are called a "hikikomori", meaning a person that is anti-social and rarely goes outside. Satou is also unemployed, meaning that he depends on an "allowance" that his parents send him. And to top all of this off, Satou is a college drop-out! Satou then meets a girl that wants to cure him of his hikikomori ways. Satou goes through many hardships on his way to the end of his hikikomori, including love relationships, creating computer games, walking through crowds of people without freaking out, and many more. The plot is very well executed, just when you think something bad is done for, something else comes up. I was always excited about the next episode and how the story would twist and turn in that episode. This story accurately portrays many difficulties that people go through in their lives, and what the cause and effects are. One issue addressed is MMORPG games, and the addiction of them. The relationships of the main characters are interesting and will have you hoping things turn out good. The characters are very well done, all of them are very interesting and could easily exist in reality. All of the characters are interesting, there isn't really any character that seems shallow or doesn't belong. The mesh of animation, music, sound, story, and emotion are nearly perfect in the anime, I have not really watched an anime this good, a very very long time. Oh, this anime is very emotional, you will find yourself fired-up at times, sad at other times, and happy in those funny moments. The plot is not very predictable at all, I was guessing up till the end. The end is very climatic, and in a way, bitter-sweet. I wished the ending showed a little more about what happens in the future of Satou, though. Overall, SUPERBLY GREAT FREAKING AWESOME ANIME!!!!! This is such and underrated anime, it deserves a spot among the classics. Watch this anime if you consider yourself a true anime fan. P.S If you are addicted to online gaming, don't get outside very much at all, very much wish you had a girlfriend, are a computer nerd that doesn't get out much, or are going through a time in your life that is rather depressing (Due to one of the above, or something similar), I would suggest not watching this anime until you feel you are emotionally stable. Seriously.)
(The) White Snake (movie) Very good (Standing in line at Wal-Mart, I saw some bargain DVDs. I decided to take a look, and what do ya know, they had Hakujaden on DVD! This is a classical tale of two young people in love, the original anime of its kind. Nice to watch, especially if you are an anime fan; since this kind of the first ever anime to be shown in the US.)