Imalmostgone's Anime

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5 Centimeters Per Second (movie) Masterpiece A moving piece of art as my eyes see it the slow paced ache of this film really hits home.
Ai Yori Aoshi (TV) Good
Air (TV) Excellent
Akira (movie) Masterpiece An anime of the gateway variety for me, it opened up my eyes showing the true spirit and potential Japanese animation can have--an all time great.
Alien Nine (special) Good
Angel Beats! (TV) Very good A good concept with above average execution but honestly I would recommend this show based on the strength of one comical scene that had me almost literally ROFL'ing--ROCKET CHAIR! The ending was also particularly heartfelt.
anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day (TV) Masterpiece I've never watched a show before that mashed so heavily on the cry button, at times maybe that's the only bad thing I could say about it.
Aria the Animation (TV) So-so This seemingly had the make-up to be the kind of show I would normally like very much, but President Aria is so loathsomely annoying that I couldn't continue the series after the first season. I must note that this irrational hatred has precedence in other series where a character is supposed to either be (and in my eyes fails miserably to do so) overwhelmingly cute or the viewer is supposed to sympathize with them etc.
Azumanga Daioh (TV) Masterpiece Oh! When moe was so innocent, lovely, and fresh to me. A super funny cute- fest for the ages imo.
Baccano! (TV) Very good Isaac and Miria are among my favorite anime duos, a real rollicking bandit pair amongst a lush ensemble cast.
Bakemonogatari (TV) Masterpiece One of the better shows of the last 5 years imo. With good characters, humor, action and a solid story.
Bamboo Blade (TV) Very good
Berserk (TV 1997) Excellent I liked the english dub more which is odd, the bonus outtakes are for the LOL.
Black Lagoon (TV) Good
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail (OAV) Excellent
Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage (TV) Very good
Bungaku Shōjo (movie) Excellent
Bunny Drop (TV) Excellent
Cat Soup (OAV) Good
Children Who Chase Lost Voices (movie) Masterpiece
Chobits (TV) Good
Clannad (TV) Excellent
Clannad After Story (TV) Masterpiece The flagship of Moe, humorous and touching in a word--CHARMING!
Claymore (TV) Excellent With a strong and beautifully flawed cast of women the oft overlooked Claymore is probably better then just "very good" especially for my particular aesthetic.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Very good
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) Very good
Colorful (TV) Decent
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Excellent
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Masterpiece It is wonderful when expectations are not just met but exceeded, cementing Bebop as one of the better shows to end with a flourish worthy of its mettle.
Cross Game (TV) Excellent
Dance in the Vampire Bund (TV) Decent
Darker than Black (TV) Excellent
Darker than Black - Kuro no Keiyakusha: Gaiden (OAV) Very good
Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor (TV) Good
Dead Leaves (OAV) So-so
Den-noh Coil (TV) Excellent It took awhile for this one to grab a hold of me, but Densuke and Megabaa were such enjoyable characters and when things did off the ground in the story it stayed aloft.
Denpa teki na Kanojo (OAV) Masterpiece
(The) Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (movie) Masterpiece There's a reason Suzumiya remains a topical lightning rod for anime fans, because like Haruhi herself the series fascinates by remaining tangible, even when juxtaposed by other-worldly circumstance.
Durarara!! (TV) Excellent Very enjoyable, a story driven show that's simultaneously fun in the moment with vibrant characters as well.
Eden of the East (TV) Very good
Eden of the East: Paradise Lost (movie) Excellent
Eden of the East: The King of Eden (movie) Excellent
ef: a tale of melodies (TV) Very good
ef: a tale of memories (TV) Masterpiece
Elfen Lied (TV) Good
Ergo Proxy (TV) Decent This had its moments but overall somewhat disappointing for me.
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (movie) Excellent
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (movie) Masterpiece
(The) Familiar of Zero (TV) Decent
(The) Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons (TV) Good
(The) Familiar of Zero: Rondo of Princesses (TV) Good
Fate/stay night (TV) Very good
Flag (ONA) Masterpiece
FLCL (OAV) Masterpiece Standing the test of time, with an explosive imagination and a flawless fusion of sight and sound, this anime is held amongst my highest entertainment regards.
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) Good
Full Metal Panic! (TV) Excellent
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV) Excellent
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (OAV) Decent
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) Very good
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Very good
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) Very good Too much action at the cost of story for my tastes. What could of been a great series ends up being just a really good one. The last 20 episodes pretty much daisy chain from one battle to the next while nicely built story arcs atrophy, it seems like we don't even get much Winry until the last episode, kinda crammed in there at the end. Enjoyable but it falters at the finish line.
(The) Garden of Sinners (movie series) Masterpiece Visually stunning, while twisting, weaving, and bouncing along its timeline Garden of Sinners forces the viewer to pay attention to detail in a way that few productions demand.
Genesis Climber Mospeada (TV) So-so
Ghost in the Shell (movie) Masterpiece I can honestly say that if I had never seen this film I probably wouldn't have developed into an anime fan, at least not as quickly or as passionately as I have.
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (movie) Very good
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) Very good
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (TV) Very good
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society (movie) Excellent This represents a bit of a return to form, while nothing will ever equal the original OVA, Solid State Society is a great addition to the GitS franchise.
(The) Girl Who Leapt Through Time (movie) Masterpiece
Grave of the Fireflies (movie) Excellent
Gunslinger Girl (TV) Good
Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino (TV) Good
Gurren Lagann (TV) Excellent GAINAX at its most competent and savvy, slick, fun and bro tears galore.
Hajime no Ippo (TV) Excellent
Hanasaku Iroha - Blossoms for Tomorrow (TV) Excellent
Heaven's Lost Property (TV) Decent
Heaven's Lost Property Forte (TV) Decent
Heaven's Memo Pad (TV) Decent
High School of the Dead (TV) Very good Personally I think this is just plain fun as long as you aren't mastophobic, even if the zombie trope is getting a little tired.
Higurashi no Naku Koroni Gaiden Nekogoroshi-hen (OAV) Good
His and Her Circumstances (TV) Excellent One of my most cherished romance stories, and had the ending not been botched it would've ranked amongst the all time greats of its ilk.
Honey and Clover (TV) Masterpiece Why am I such a sucker for romantic comedies like this?! I don't know, but this is right in there with my favorites from that genre along with the 2nd season.
Honey and Clover II (TV) Masterpiece
K-ON! (TV) Excellent The class one narcotic known as K-On! is not something I would recommend per se, but rather something that I personally enjoy at a base level. I don't expect anything to happen or come to a mind shattering epiphany. I just wanna sit back, relax and savor tea time like everyone else.
K-ON!! (TV 2) Excellent
Kanon (TV 1/2002) Excellent
Kanon (TV 2/2006) Masterpiece
Katanagatari (TV) Masterpiece The criticism for this show is beyond me, I don't see how, as a viewer, one isn't hypnotized or drawn in by Katangatari's unique palette.
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (TV) Good
Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You (TV) Masterpiece CAN I HAS MORE BUBBLES!?
Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season (TV) Excellent YAY MOAR BUBBLES!
Kite (OAV) Very good
(The) Legend of the Galactic Heroes (OAV) Excellent
Looking Up At The Half-Moon (TV) Decent
Love Hina (TV) Excellent
Love Hina Again (OAV) Very good
Love Hina Final (special) Good
Love Hina Spring Special - I Wish Your Dream Very good
Love Hina X'mas Special - Silent Eve Very good
Lovely Complex (TV) Excellent Even in the mire of its tired tropes I found LC to be incredibly touching and enjoyable.
Lucky Star (TV) Decent
Lunar Legend Tsukihime (TV) Good
Macross Frontier (TV) Very good
Macross Frontier: The False Songstress (movie) Excellent
Macross Zero (OAV) Very good
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (TV) Decent
Maria Watches Over Us (TV) Excellent I never thought I could get so many hours of entertainment watching stuffy girls drink tea and gossip. The non stop jockeying over social status somehow, some way is entertaining perhaps buoyed by the strength of Yumi's character and Sachiko's grace and sustained by a well rounded, fleshed out cast of solid supporting characters.
Maria Watches Over Us 3rd Season (OAV) Excellent While there is a bit of an aside quality to the third installment, it doesn't feel forced or awkward, in fact, perhaps, the true spirit of what makes Maria-sama so good is on display here, the fact that it doesn't matter what the setting or circumstances are as long as you have good plot development involving characters you care about.
Maria Watches Over Us 4th Season (TV) Masterpiece I gotta say it is not like we didn't see this coming...! Yumi's such a pro at breaking down peoples natural emotional defenses, a dynamic focal point for being what is an otherwise very normal (dare I say average) person, that it makes the emotional payout nothing short of tremendous. I also love how gracefully the Roses seem to exit their arcs it is really a beautiful show--one of the best there is.
Maria Watches Over Us Season 2: Printemps (TV) Masterpiece Printemps just keeps chugging along giving us more of what we want, fabulous characters all fretting over how others perceive them. To me it really feels like the series is hitting it's stride here.
Martian Successor Nadesico (TV) Excellent One of the finest comedic savvy mecha sci-fi parody shows there is.
Martian Successor Nadesico: The Motion Picture - Prince of Darkness Excellent
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Excellent
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV 2009 renewal) Excellent
Minami-ke (TV) Very good
Mind Game (movie) Excellent Laugh out loud funny and filled with wide eyed wonder--I loved it.
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (TV) Excellent
Mushi-Shi (TV) Good
Mystery of the Necronomicon (OAV) Decent
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Masterpiece The series that changed everything of me as an anime fan. Obsession, anguish, reality and emotional proximity are all thrown into the blender and we are left with an out of this world show that feels so close to home in its observations of the human plight.
Ninja Scroll (movie) Excellent
Nodame Cantabile (TV) Excellent
Nodame Cantabile: Finale (TV) Masterpiece The enigma that is Nodame proves to be a riveting watch all the way to the finish Cantible is as good as any underdog story you can consume with rich, beautiful characters, music and animation.
Nodame Cantabile: Paris (TV) Excellent
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (TV) So-so
(The) Place Promised in Our Early Days (movie) Masterpiece Shinkai works leave me in awe, the texture and flavor of the visuals make up for any shortcomings I can propose as long as you allow it to take you away it succeeds brilliantly.
Planetes (TV) Excellent
Please Teacher! (TV) Good
Please Teacher! (OAV) Good
Princess Mononoke (movie) Very good
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (TV) Good Not bad, but IMO one of the most if not THE most overrated shows of recent memory.
Ranma ½ (TV) So-so
Read or Die (OAV) Decent
Redline (movie) Excellent Worth the hype. FLCL meets F-Zero and Gurren Lagaan for people who like big imaginative fun.
Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV) Very good
Romeo × Juliet (TV) Masterpiece A re-imagination that should be held among the finest that the medium has to offer.
Rumbling Hearts (TV) Masterpiece Immersed in the emotion and drama, I watched as events unfolded in a way that felt as real to this viewer as any live action feature that dealt with matters of the heart and mind in similar fashion.
Sakura Diaries (OAV) Decent
Samurai Champloo (TV) Decent
Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei (TV) Very good
Sekirei (TV) Decent
Sekirei: Pure Engagement (TV) Very good Suffering through the first season was rewarded by Pure Engagement. What can I say, I like lol boobs fighting shows with a modicum of merit behind them.
She and Her Cat (OAV) Excellent
Shiki (TV) Excellent I love how this show turns in on itself, a thoughtful expression on what it means to be a "monster."
Shuffle! (TV) So-so
Spice and Wolf (TV) Very good
Spice and Wolf II (TV) Excellent Just enjoyable for me the back and forth of the main characters is as fun as it is insightful.
Spirited Away (movie) Excellent
Steins;Gate (TV) Masterpiece
Strawberry Panic! (TV) Very good
Strike Witches (OAV) Decent
Strike Witches (TV) Good
Summer Wars (movie) Decent
(The) Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross (TV) Not really good
(The) Super Dimension Fortress Macross (TV) Masterpiece My first anime, as a small child I remember watching this with little realization for how good the story actually was, it was a nostalgic treat of a re-watch for me later in my fandom.
Sword of the Stranger (movie) Good
(The) Tatami Galaxy (TV) Very good
Tiger & Bunny (TV) Very good
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (TV) Excellent
Toradora! (TV) Excellent A prime example of why I like anime so much, I would rather eat broken asphalt then watch 99% of what's passed off as a teen romantic comedy film, but a show like this, KnT, or Lovely Complex I can just fall to pieces over.
Trigun (TV) Decent While I didn't dislike Trigun I can just simply say that I just don't get it or that perhaps I watched it so many years after it was released that my expectations were somewhat skewed.
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV) Very good
Umineko - When They Cry (TV) Not really good The proverbial turd in the punchbowl.
Utawarerumono (TV) Good
Vampire Hunter D (OAV) Good
(The) Vision of Escaflowne (TV) Decent
Voices of a Distant Star (OAV) Masterpiece While time hasn't exactly been kind to Voices, in its day I found it to be an amazing achievement in anime. I will always, always be a Shinkai fan and it all started here for me.
When They Cry - Higurashi (TV) Excellent If not the best, for me this was at least the most addicting of the Higurashi's.
When They Cry - Kai (TV) Masterpiece
When They Cry - Rei (OAV) Very good
xxxHOLiC (TV) Good
xxxHOLiC: Kei (TV) Good
Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei (TV) Very good