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(The) Animatrix (OAV) Good If you were a diehard fan of the matrix trilogy, this one is a must see.
Baccano! (TV)
Berserk (TV 1997) Masterpiece A show I was hesitant about but suprised me in only a couple of episodes. Its definately not for everybody (especially when you are guarenteed to see blood in every episode )
Bokurano (TV) Masterpiece
Boogiepop Phantom (TV)
Claymore (TV)
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Excellent This show tries to combine many different genres and for the most part it does a good job. I think what i liked about this show was that it reminded me of death note with the mind battles.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) Masterpiece
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Very good Has an awesome music score and an above average story. I can see why it is regarded as a classic.
Death Note (TV) Masterpiece This is the show that got me into anime. The amount of thought that went into this just blows away most of the crap that is seen in western tv shows.
Elfen Lied (TV) Very good If you can look past the cuteness and over the top gore, there is actually a pretty good story here.
Ergo Proxy (TV) Very good Had moments that reminded me of "I Robot" and "A.I". Balances action with sociological fodder pretty well. (Did that sound pretentious?)
FLCL (OAV) So-so Has the most WTF moments that I have ever seen in a series. Recommended only if you want something to watch while on acid
Full Metal Panic! (TV) Good
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Masterpiece Second Anime that i watched. This show does everything right. It was really well thought out. It sets itself apart from other "magical" shows because everything is created from something else. Nor does it rely on the old idea of characters becoming more powerful as a show progresses. Rather it focuses on how the characters are mentally strengthened. It is gonna be hard to top this show in terms of mythology and character development.
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo (TV) Very good This show has an awesome art style in my opinion. It did a really good job retelling the Dumas story and I loved it even knowing the general plot beforehand.
Gantz (TV)
Gurren Lagann (TV)
Haibane Renmei (TV) Excellent One of the rare shows that has a mostly female cast, yet takes itself seriously. Its an interesting take on, well angels in their most basic sense. Of course that is only my interpretation
Hellsing (TV)
Kino's Journey (TV)
Monster (TV) Good Third anime i watched. This was also the longest one ive ever sat through. and the only one that i watched that was subtitled. It can be very difficult to follow at times but that is part of the attraction for me.
Mushi-Shi (TV) Very good Who would have thought that witch doctors could lead such interesting lives.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Masterpiece One of the most mindblowing shows that I have seen in a long time.
Noein - to your other self (TV) Very good
Now and Then, Here and There (TV)
Paranoia Agent (TV) Masterpiece This one kept me guessing right to the very end. It really does a good job focusing in on the minds of all the characters. There are many twists and turns. Underrated for sure.
Planetes (TV) Excellent
RahXephon (TV) Masterpiece It is easy to see why many people compare this to Evangelion. That being said, this show was even more confusing and I would not have it any other way. I cannot decide which one is better.
Samurai Champloo (TV)
Scrapped Princess (TV)
Serial Experiments Lain (TV) Decent This was probably a good show for its time, but you can tell it was before the web was common. I dont really recommend it.
Speed Grapher (TV) Good Starts out raunchy and kind of boring, but it got alot better.
Texhnolyze (TV) Good This is another one of those hard to understand shows. Its gonna require a second viewing i think because i just didnt understand alot of parts. Other than that, It was pretty good
Welcome to the NHK (TV) Excellent As humiliating as this is to admit, this show really spoke to me and i related to the main character a little too much.
When They Cry - Higurashi (TV) Very good If you dont mind a show that can be hard to follw, (i.e seeing a main character die only to come back fine without any recollection) You will love this show
When They Cry - Kai (TV)
Wolf's Rain (TV)