TrinityMorgan's Anime

take a look at TrinityMorgan's Manga
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Akira (movie) Weak Was completely disappointed. Kaneda's character was the most redeeming thing. Aside from that, I found it pretty dismal. It was a really nice idea, but the execution was off, and I found myself not caring for Tetsuo or his situation at all. And I could've done without those three grey-skinned kids.
Angel Beats! (TV) So-so Yuri = Suzumiya Haruhi? That aside, it's mildly amusing, but I couldn't tell if I was supposed to take it seriously or not. It had some nice moments, but overall it was really scattered and didn't have the impact that I think it was aiming for.
Baccano! (TV) Good
Black Butler (TV) Very good I really liked the first half, but then it started to crumble and never seemed to recover. I found Sebastian and Ciel to be very well thought-out and dynamic characters, however, and they, along with a few others, such as Lau and Grell, definitely made this show enjoyable for me.
Black Butler II (TV) Excellent I actually liked this better than the first season, as I found Alois and Claude quite enjoyable. The pacing and plot (as it doesn't follow the manga) are quite well done, in my opinion, and the ending was fitting. Overall, it was fantastic.
Black Butler: His Butler, Performer (OAV) Good Just like any episode from the first season. It was decent, but nothing particularly stood out. If you like the show, though, you should definitely give it a watch.
Bleach the Movie: Fade to Black (movie 3) Weak Boring and unnecessary, as most Bleach movies are.
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody So-so Just... not very good. If you're like me and love Bleach, you'll want to watch it just to see the characters in action again, but it really lends nothing of value or depth.
Bleach: Memories in the Rain (OAV) Decent No complaints.
Bus Gamer (TV) Weak Really lackluster. Someone missed their chance to bring this to its full potential. It's too bad. That seems to be a theme with anime adaptations of Minekura Kazuya's work...
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Very good The first few episodes were good, and then it got really tiresome. The mech fights and Lelouch's strategies weren't very impressive. But then episode 15 or so came around and from there things really picked up and it turned out to be pretty brilliant. I really could've used some more explanation as to C.C's existence and the Geass, though...
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) Very good The only remotely interesting characters are Lelouch and Suzaku, which is fine, since the plot is brilliant enough to nullify the bland characterization of everyone else. Great suspense and conflict, pulled together with a dash of cleverness. Fantastic twists and exciting sacrifices. I love to see a show that isn't afraid to make its protagonists suffer.
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
D.Gray-man (TV) Good Allen is tiresome and predictable. Kanda is two-dimensional and boring. Lenalee is irritating and tedious. Lavi, Road, and Earl are the only interesting characters. That's the problem with this show -- the characters are holding it back. The plot, execution, and character development are all quite good, but most of the characters themselves are just annoying and not at all enjoyable to watch. If it wasn't for Lavi, I would've never finished this.
Darker than Black (TV) Excellent Overall, very enjoyable. The premise and main cast were excellent. One-shot and secondary characters were, for the most part, developed extremely and surprisingly well. I feel like the creators failed to bring this to its full potential, but they didn't do too bad of a job. The things that bothered me the most were Kirihara's character, as I found her nothing but annoying, and the fact that every single woman Hei came into contact with seemed to be attracted to him in one way or another. One of the things it lacked was adequate backstory and explanation. Sure, a lot is revealed over the course of the show, but we fail to learn some very important things, like why exactly the Gates were created or who created them, etc. The characters were definitely what made the show, which is nice, considering this could've easily turned into a gimmick-based series.
Darker than Black - Kuro no Keiyakusha: Gaiden (OAV) Good Aside from the disconnect concerning both plot and character relationship-development that this suffered from, it wasn't bad. Being the Hei/Yin shipper that I am, I was delighted by the plot and interaction in these four episodes, even though it certainly felt disjointed considering how season one ended. It works as a great prequel to season two, however, and all in all this is something that I think Hei/Yin shippers would really enjoy. And, if you don't like the idea of this pairing, I wouldn't recommend watching it, because it's pretty much canon here.
Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor (TV) Decent Started off pretty badly and continued in that vein until around episode nine. By the end, it had redeemed itself considerably, but it most definitely wasn't without its flaws. To be honest, this season and the gaiden seemed like afterthoughts. The Pavlichenko family were interesting enough, but in the end, contributed nothing. Also, the creators seem to have a need for making every female character attracted to Hei, which is not only irritating, but it also diminished these girls' personalities. Which reminds me: Kirihara is still as annoying as ever. This felt like it was aimed at a younger, girlier crowd than the first season. I guess that's what bothered me most. The first season was something that adults could easily enjoy, but this second season -- not so much. Now, the ending left an enormous list of questions, plus added a new layer of confusion. If another season is planned, that's fine, but if this is the true end of the series, then it's disappointing. I think Darker Than Black had the potential to be an amazingly good story, but in the end, the creators botched it. I'll cry over it nightly.
Deadman Wonderland (TV) Good It was all very interesting and creative -- I especially liked Shiro -- however, it ended on a completely abrupt note. Guess it's time to go read the manga now.
Death Note (TV) Excellent L and his position seemed overhyped, but aside from that, it's darn near a masterpiece. Watching Light hatch his plans and carry them out was a lot of fun. I especially liked that there was the very real fear of any of the characters we'd come to love dying; it made it all the more suspenseful.
Durarara!! (TV) Good First off, let me say that this show is pretty awesome in that it delivers a completely refreshing experience. The variety of characters was amazing, and its overall modern, street vibe is charming. Izaya, Shizuo, and Masaomi were definitely my favorite characters here. My only complaint is that there was plenty enough human drama here to render the supernatural aspect -- that is, the Dullahan and Saika parts -- unnecessary, and, to me, a hindrance. This show is full of dynamic characters and a wonderfully complex storyline that is a lot of fun to watch unfold.
Ergo Proxy (TV) Decent The first half of this was quite boring, and Pino was the only reason I kept on watching. I'm glad I did. About halfway through, it became insanely intriguing, interesting, and altogether very nice. It left me a bit confused, but it certainly was an entertaining ride.
FLCL (OAV) Very good Wild, complex, intriguing, hilarious, and thoroughly entertaining.
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) Very good I really liked this. Whereas I feel like the manga dragged on too long, the anime stopped at a nice place, AND it kept my image of Akito as a boy intact.
Howl's Moving Castle (movie) Not really good Utterly disappointed. I was never really pulled in and the only character I gave half a crap about was Calcifer. Howl and Sophie were completely unrelatable and too Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu-ish for my tastes. And the plot didn't help either, it tanked too.
Last Exile (TV) Good This started off great. The characters were interesting, the world was creative and immersive, and the setup/plot was both intriguing and engaging. It started to fall apart around the time when it was revealled that Sophia was the Emperor's daughter, and her subsequent taking of the throne. I never quite understood what exactly Exile was, and why anyone wanted it, and why it was such a big deal, etc. but that didn't really bother me so much. What did bother me was Claus, Lavie, and Alex. Their motives and personalities in general seemed disjointed and a bit confusing. As a protagonist, Claus was fine, but rather bland and uninteresting, which made me question why Lavie, Tatiana, and Sophia all harbored romantic feelings for him. The best character for me, by far, was Dio, and his dear friend Lucciola -- both of which, befittingly, died in the end, of course. All in all, this show started brilliantly and ended on a slightly less stellar note.
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Very good I was surprised by how creative and entertaining this actually was. I felt like I missed an episode, because Tsuruya suddenly appeared without any sort of introduction... Aside from that, it was spectacular. Intriguing characters and an original plot. Kyon's narration and Haruhi's personality were definitely what made this shine.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Excellent The last two episodes are the only thing keeping me from rating this a masterpiece. Those two episodes were nothing but psycho-mumbo-jumbo that felt out of place and as if the director had recently had to write a thesis on Freud and wanted to incorporate it into the show. Aside from that, this was amazingly good and I enjoyed every moment of it. Shinji represents the weak little wimp in all of us and I think he'll always be one of my favorite anime characters ever.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (movie) Excellent This is what the final two episodes should have been.
Oldboy (Korean movie) Excellent Simply, words cannot express how much I loved this movie.
Ouran High School Host Club (TV) Excellent I went into this thinking I'd hate it, but it absolutely won me over. Loved it to death. It threw cliches out the window and turned tropes onto their heads. I found Haruhi a little tiresome at times, but the rest of the cast was beyond magnificent and absolutely made up for it.
Pandora Hearts (TV) Good A nice build up to... absolutely nothing. Another anime falling victim to the "let's-make-an-anime-adaptation-although-the-manga-isn't-finished" syndrome. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed most of the characters, aside from Alice.
Rock Musical Bleach (musical special) Very good Most people probably perceive this as corny (and it is), but I loved it, and I loved the songs. All in all, it's just a real good time and I found that I liked some of the performer's voices more suited to their characters than the actual seiyuu themselves.
S-CRY-ed (TV) Decent The first half was very good, but it subsequently fell apart and turned into something unrecognizable. While Mimori's constant cries of "Ryuhou! Ryuhou!" were annoying, the introduction of Mujou Kyouji is really what sank this ship.
Sailor Moon R: The Movie Decent It was okay. Not amazing, but to my then eleven-year-old mind, it was good.
Sailor Moon S: The Movie Good It's pretty good. The idea of Luna turning into a human earned an eye-roll from me, but other than that I liked it.
Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie Very good Definitely the best of the Sailor Moon movies.
Soul Eater (TV) Very good I loved this to bits. It's aimed at more of a Naruto-aged crowd, which is younger than what I'm used to, but it was tons of fun and I really loved all the main characters. What this series lacks in creativity plot execution, it makes up for in well-rounded characters and a fantastic sense of humor.
Spirited Away (movie) Good A solid story and likeable characters. Very nice.
Tenchi Muyo! (OAV 1/1992) Very good Very enjoyable.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki (OAV 3/2003) Good This is where it all really fell apart. The introduction of Noike, Airi, Tokimi, Z, etc. muddled things up and I didn't find them enjoyable at all. It ended on a nice note, however, and carried its brilliant humor throughout, mostly. All in all, the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo'Ohki OVA series is quite good, but the last few episodes feel really random and rushed, but in the end, it does get back to its roots, which is fun, humor, and entirely spastic characters.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (OAV 2/1994) Very good A fantastic continuation of the series.
Tenchi Muyo! The Night Before The Carnival (OAV) Very good Hilarious and thoroughly entertaining.
Tenchi The Movie 2 - The Daughter of Darkness Not really good Basically, it was okay. If you're a Tenchi fan, watch it when you have some free time. If you're not a fan, don't bother.
Trigun (TV) So-so Started off as really exciting, but about halfway through, as the details of the plot came to light, it all grew quite tiresome and the characters morphed into caricatures of themselves. I was pretty disappointed, considering this is supposed to be one of the great classics. The first half of this series was great, but soon after, it felt like a chore to watch it and by the end, I didn't care at all about the characters -- Vash actually proved to be quite irritating, which is too bad, since I loved him at the start. The whole drama with Knives felt like it could've been avoided if Vash had acted differently in the past, and to be honest, their whole rivalry -- if you could call it that -- felt really far-fetched and unconvincing.
Trinity Blood (TV) Weak Abel Nightroad feels like a ripoff of Vash from Trigun. The show itself is incredibly boring, despite being well-animated and "pretty". The characters are equally as boring and droll. I guess nothing good comes from trying to watch stories about vampires anymore...
Vampire Knight (TV) Bad Yuuki, Zero, and Kaname feel as though they were ripped straight out of Fruits Basket. That was the only thing that kept me watching. The end was awkwardly unfinished and all the characters were so angsty all the time that it was hard to take them seriously.
Zombie-Loan (TV) So-so Could've been pretty good, but was terribly lacking. The only reason I watched the whole series was because I liked Chika's character, but even then he isn't all that unique in the manga/anime world. Michiru/Chika/Shito = Yui/Zero/Kuran = Tohru/Kyo/Yuki.