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Azumanga Daioh (TV) Masterpiece Since I rated this a Masterpiece, I need to justify it. This series is absolutely amazing. It had picked me up so many times. I can rewatch this series the moment I finish it, something I can only do with my one true anime love, Twelve Kingdoms. The comedy is hilarious, the characters are memorable, and I am always a little sad when it ends. I'm not sure I will ever be able to find a comedy series as captivating as this one was. Osaka is just the best.
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Excellent
Fate/stay night (TV) Good
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie) Excellent
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (US CG movie) Good
FLCL (OAV) Excellent
Full Metal Panic! (TV) Excellent This series, along with The Second Raid, is just simply phenomenal. However, I reserve my masterpieces for those series which are flawless. Although this series comes dangerously close, in the end I couldn't do it, simply because there were one or two episodes I didn't particularly care for.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV) Excellent This series came ever closer than the original to a masterpiece! If it were just a few episodes longer, just enough to uncover a little bit more about Tessa's brother, it would have had it. It was undoubtedly superb, I just feel as though it was cut just a little too short. Although, it does have me eagerly anticipating the next series... almost as much as I want the ending to Twelve Kingdoms!
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (OAV) Very good
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) Excellent If there were only two episodes in this series, I would pick "A Goddess Comes to Japan" Part I & II. That made this series. However, the entire series is very good, and, although it doesn't continue any more story in the Full Metal Panic! world, it does provide some nice character development and humor.
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Excellent
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa Excellent
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) Good
Haibane Renmei (TV) Masterpiece This was an extremely deep, emotional series, considering it was 13 episodes. The development of the main character, Rakka, is just amazing. The entire series is artfully and masterfully crafted. Multiple times did this series conjuor tears to my eyes with its magical characters. The beginning is superb, the middle is superb, and the end is unbelievable; as such, the only rating fitting for this show is: Masterpiece.
Kino's Journey (TV) Masterpiece I couldn't have asked for much more. The way this series begins and then loops back around to its beginning is just superbly done. By the time the last episode came, I was so engrossed in the previous journeys that it took me a few moments to realize just what was going to happen. When it happened, I was stunned. I sat there for at least twenty minutes after the show finished just thinking about it, and the most prominent thought during that time was "That was absolutely amazing." This couldn't possibly have been rating anything other than a masterpiece.
Last Order Final Fantasy VII (OAV) Very good
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Masterpiece
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) Excellent
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (TV) Good
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV) Good
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (OAV) Decent
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Masterpiece I know there is much controversy over this series, and many people say they have to "trudge" through it. However, for me, this was a clear winner. I watched the entire thing in two days, and I am every so glad I picked this anime up. The character development is amazing. Shinji, Asuka, and Rei all make clear progress throughout the series. When the histories of the children start surfacing, it is just emotionally overwhelming, and from then on the entire entities of those three just click. Furthermore, the supporting cast is superb. From Shinji's father to Misato, they are all well fleshed out. When I finished this series, I sat there for a moment thinking about it. It took me a minute, but then it clicked, "Wow, I just watched a Freudian Analysis of everyone in that show." I was deeply impressed.
Now and Then, Here and There (TV) Very good
Pet Shop of Horrors (TV) Decent
Pokémon 2000 - The Movie (movie 2) Not really good
Samurai Deeper Kyo (TV) Good
Trigun (TV) Good
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV) Masterpiece Ahh, my love. I loved this anime from the first minute. The animation was nice, and the set up seemed good. By the time they (Youko, Sugimoto, and Asano) left Japan and traveled to the Twelve Kingdoms, I was hooked. I watched the entire series in a single day. Since this is my favorite anime of all time, I will write about every aspect of it. Animation : Excellent. I loved the style and the colors. It was both expressive and soothing, and the more intensive scenes were expertly done. Story : Amazing. The premise seems like it has been done countless times, but this series just does it so perfectly. That, plus the added bonus of the Ancient China theme all add to the magic that this series has to offer. Characters : Now here is where this anime shines. The characters are so well done. Youko makes extreme progress throughout the series; and, although many complain of her "whiny" nature in the beginning, one would have to think of their own situation and how they would react. I found her action extremely realistic. Sugimoto and Asano, while not in the novels, certinaly add a lot to the altered anime. Sugimoto acts as Youko's foil, and plays the part perfectly. Asano plays his part perfectlys; his and Youko's reconciliation near the end is touching. The list of characters goes on and on, and there are still so many yet to be met. However they all share one thing in common: if they are introduced, they are well fleshed-out and they will undergo some significant change. That is what makes this anime an absolute masterpiece.