rainbowcrescent's Anime

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Air (TV) Weak In my opinion, the best word that describes this anime is…well, boring. Why? First, the plot is slow-paced, uninteresting and dull. Second, the story was too deep thus I had a hard time understanding it. Third, the characters are too cliché, predictable and monotonous. I have nothing against the animation which is good but this anime isn’t something that would be etched in my memory.
Aishiteruze Baby (TV) Good This anime is fine but not remarkable. Well, I can’t say much because there is nothing about it worth mentioning. Everything, from the plot to the characters and even the animation, is mediocre.
Battle Royale (live-action movie) Very good Well, this movie is bloody good! Morbid, gruesome, gory, ghastly and brutal, Battle Royale appealed to me although I’m not a big fan of horrid and revolting shows.
Black Blood Brothers (TV) Very good
Black Cat (TV) Decent Although it was able to show a fast-paced and astonishing beginning, it wasn’t able to show an incredible ending which I was expecting from it. I’m disappointed with this anime because I was expecting something remarkable from it since the beginning was so good and it boasts of a marvelous plot, astounding characters and superb animation.
Blood+ (TV) Very good The beginning was slow-paced and dull but once I passed the slow beginning and ventured into the fast-paced latter episodes, everything gets better. From the plot to the characters, everything became astonishingly good. In my opinion, the most remarkable thing about this anime is the character development. The characters “developed” well emotionally (and physically for some characters) because of the situations they are faced with and the sacrifices that they have to make. The characters have a lot of emotional struggles that made the character development remarkable and outstanding.
Blood: The Last Vampire (movie) Worst ever I wonder why I even bothered to see this…
Bokura ga Ita (TV) Excellent I’m not a big fan of romance anime because I’m irritated with mushy love stories. But once in a while I come across some romance titles which I can tolerate and even like, Bokura ga Ita is certainly one of them. The plot interests me because I like the idea of how a young man’s heart is chained to his past and a young lady’s struggles to break that chain, the result is a bittersweet love story between them. Although Bokura ga Ita boasts of an astonishing plot, it wasn’t able to show an outstanding animation. Animation is simple and lacks details. Nevertheless, this is a good love story that can make hearts flutter.
Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie 2: The Sealed Card So-so
Ceres, Celestial Legend (TV) Weak Ugh! This is one of the worst anime I’ve seen. It shows a mushy love story which is too…mushy. It was very mushy for my taste to the point that I became irritated and infuriated with it.
Chrono Crusade (TV) Very good
(La) Corda D'Oro - primo passo (TV) Very good
D.N.Angel (TV) Masterpiece Well, this is the anime that introduced to me the beauty of Japanese animation. Way back when I was a fan of Korean dramas, this anime was aired in a local channel here in the Philippines. When I first saw it I said to myself, “woah! This anime is incredibly good!” Since then, I slowly drifted away from Korean dramas and saw myself entering a new era in my life where anime dominates. Anyway, this anime captured my attention because it was able to provide an excellent plot which is fast-paced and alluring, enthralling characters (especially Dark), and mesmerizing animation which is a sure eye-candy.
Death Note (live-action movie) Good
Death Note (TV) Masterpiece Mind-boggling and wit-defying, Death Note is definitely one of the best anime ever made. It was able to show a fast-paced astonishing, astounding and intriguing plot. The characters are noteworthy and they never fail to bedazzle me, especially Light and L, the series’ antagonist and protagonist. The battle of wits between this two characters is a must see. Animation is exceptional; it looks dark and gothic which fits the anime’s theme. Everything, from the background to the characters, is drawn with utmost detail and is animated well. This anime also boasts of a superior sound quality and remarkable Japanese voice actors. Well, for a lack of a better word to say it, this anime is certainly mind-blowing, startling and simply amazing.
Death Note: The Last Name (live-action movie) Good
Descendants of Darkness (TV) Decent
Detective Conan (live-action TV movie) Good
Dragon Ball (TV) Good This anime was aired in a local channel here in the Philippines back when I was a kid. This is such a long running series so I (and every kid around my age) practically grew up with it. When it was first shown it certainly captured my interest but the series went on for a couple of years so I eventually grew tired of it.
Dragon Ball Z (TV) Good This anime was aired in a local channel here in the Philippines back when I was a kid. This is such a long running series so I (and every kid around my age) practically grew up with it. When it was first shown it certainly captured my interest but the series went on for a couple of years so I eventually grew tired of it.
Fighting General Daimos (TV) Not really good
Flame of Recca (TV) So-so
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) Excellent
Fushigi Yugi (TV) Very good
Fushigi Yugi (OAV) Good
Fushigi Yugi (OAV 2) Good
Fushigi Yugi Eikoden (OAV) Not really good
Gakuen Alice (TV) Very good This anime is just so…cute. Why? Well, aside from the fact that most of the characters are cute little children (well, maybe except for Natsume who seems to be really matured); their interaction with each other (especially Mikan and Natsume) is very endearing and really cute. Animation shows vibrant colors which are easy on the eyes and suits the ‘cute’ theme quite well. Although this anime is really good, the lousy ending ruined it. It feels like it didn’t end well since there are a lot of loose ends. I want a second season for this anime (I hope there is)!
Gakuen Heaven (TV) So-so I’m not a big fan of yaoi but I watched Gakuen Heaven out of curiosity. Like all the yaoi I’ve seen so far (actually there isn’t a lot), this one didn’t appeal much to me.
Genshiken (TV) Decent A lot of people are fond of this anime but I’m not. The plot is plain and simple. The characters didn’t appeal to me at all, I don’t find anything remarkable about them (aside from the fact that the main characters are otaku). Animation isn’t something noteworthy, in fact I don’t like the way it was animated. I wonder why a lot of people are interested in this anime…
Ghost Hunt (TV) Good This is a good supernatural anime. I’m really interested with the paranormal and ghostlike entities (although I get scared easily) that’s why the plot grabbed my interest. But the main characters which are too cliché and predictable, and the tendency of the plot to be slow-paced wrecked this anime. In general, I think this anime could have been done better since it has a really good storyline and because animation is top-notch.
Ginban Kaleidoscope (TV) Good
Gokusen (live-action TV) Good Breathtaking and simply hilarious although the plot is too simple.
Hana Yori Dango 2 [Returns] (live-action TV) Very good A typical ‘Cinderella’ love story, Hana Yori Dango certainly made my heart flutter. Once in a while, it’s nice to see a typical and a sweet love story like this one. The actors who played the main characters were fantastic; in fact there was a good chemistry between Matsumoto Jun (Domyouji) and Mao Inoue (Makino). It’s so nice to see such sweet and funny (although there were some bitter and sad moments) love story.
Hana Yori Dango [2005] (live-action TV) Very good A typical ‘Cinderella’ love story, Hana Yori Dango certainly made my heart flutter. Once in a while, it’s nice to see a typical and a sweet love story like this one. The actors who played the main characters were fantastic; in fact there was a good chemistry between Matsumoto Jun (Domyouji) and Mao Inoue (Makino). It’s so nice to see such sweet and funny (although there were some bitter and sad moments) love story.
Hell Girl (TV) Very good Hell Girl shows how vengeance can be so sweet…and frightening. Thrilling, exciting, compelling, hair-raising, and spine tingling, Hell Girl shows the horrifying truth about the never ending cycle of revenge. Despite being episodic, it was nevertheless exciting and an interesting show. Animation is top-notch; it was dark, gothic and menacing. Enma Ai is a person I’m quite reluctant to meet—she seems to be really creepy.
Honey and Clover (TV) Masterpiece Honey and Clover is the ideal combination of drama and comedy, love and heartbreak. I grew fond of the plot despite it being simple. In fact, I became interested with the plot because it was simple yet it was able to provide a good comedy and some slice-of-life lessons to ponder on. This anime is sweet and bitter, comedic and poignant all at the same time. The main characters are alluring and captivating. I can’t help being attached to them because of their emotional struggles that never fail to appeal to me. Colors are vibrant and blended well to produce a sure eye candy animation. This anime is beyond masterpiece!
Honey and Clover II (TV) Masterpiece Well, the second season is just as great as the first. In fact, it was so good that I want more! Too bad there’s nothing more, everything ended with the second season (although I want a better ending, the final episode was good enough).
Howl's Moving Castle (movie) Good
Jigoku Sensei Nube (TV) Good
Karin (TV) Decent
Last Order Final Fantasy VII (OAV) Not really good
Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers (TV)
Master of Mosquiton '99 (TV) Decent
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Decent
Midori Days (TV) Not really good
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) Masterpiece
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed C.E.73: Stargazer (ONA) Decent
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (TV) Masterpiece
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus: The Chosen Future (OAV) Very good
Monster Rancher (TV) So-so
Naruto (OAV) Good
Naruto Special: Battle at Hidden Falls. I Am the Hero! (OAV) Good
Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (movie 3) Decent
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel (movie 2) Weak
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Good
Naruto: Akaki Yotsuba no Clover o Sagase (OAV) Good
Naruto: Konoha Sports Festival (movie) Good
Orphen (TV) Decent
Ouran High School Host Club (TV) Masterpiece
(The) Prince of Tennis (TV) Masterpiece
(The) Prince of Tennis (live-action movie) Not really good
(The) Prince of Tennis: A Day on Survival Mountain (OAV) So-so
(The) Prince of Tennis: The National Tournament (OAV) Excellent
(The) Prince of Tennis: Two Samurais, The First Game (movie) Very good
Princess Mononoke (movie) Very good
Princess Princess (TV) Very good
Romeo × Juliet (TV) Very good
Shuffle! (TV) Good I’m not a big fan of the ‘harem’ genre, but Shuffle is an exception. It is one of the few anime under the harem genre that I like. The first part of the series shows a comedic atmosphere but the latter episodes show the deep and substantial part of the anime which I like the most.
Sola (TV) So-so
Spiral (TV) Good
Tokyo Majin (TV) Not really good
Trigun (TV) Good
Trinity Blood (TV) Very good
Ultra Maniac (TV) Good
(The) Vision of Escaflowne (TV) Good
Voltes V (TV) Decent If my memory serves me right, this is one of the first anime I’ve seen. I can’t remember much about this anime since I’ve watched it when I was just a mere kid and didn’t even know that the word “anime” exists. Anyway, as far as I can remember I used to really like this anime, maybe because Japanese animation is so new to me and it was very different from the cartoons I usually watch.
(The) Wallflower (TV) Very good
X (TV) Excellent
xxxHOLiC the Movie: A Midsummer Night's Dream Very good
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV) Excellent
Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie (movie 1/1993) Good
Zombie-Loan (TV) Good