This category is for series that I have read part of and have decided that I do not want to finish them.
This is not for series that I have not been able to finish because they have not been completely released in the US.

Will not finish Rating Comment
Bleach (TV) Very good I really enjoyed Bleach through the end of the "Rescue" in the Soul Society. If I could rate that part of the show by itself it would be "excellent." But I really did not care much for the "Bount" story. After that disappointment and seeing how long the show is I just lost my desire to continue. I had thought that I would probably get back to it someday, but now I doubt that I ever will.
Corpse Princess: Aka (TV) I watched about half of it and it just got too depressing for me. I did not see enough of it to feel justified in rating it.
Dan Doh!! (TV) I just got totally bored with it. I do not even remember how much of it I watched, but I think that it was probably just a few episodes.
Dragon Drive (TV) This is another show that just did not hold my interest very long.
Elfen Lied (TV) I am not going to rate this because I stopped watching after episode four. Elfen Lied just has too much graphic violence for my tastes.
One Piece (TV 1999) Decent I watched about 50 episodes before I gave up. I did not like the art style and aside from Nami I did not care for the characters. When I saw how many episodes were ahead of me I just lost interest and gave up.
Overman King Gainer (TV) I watched the first disc and enjoyed it enough, just barely, to continue with it but I was not able to find one of the volumes. It has been so long now that I no longer care about it.