Will not finish Rating Comment
07-Ghost (TV)
Accel World (TV) Weak
Amnesia (TV) Bad
Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales (TV) Excellent I would've given this a masterpiece, but I've heard the other two arcs are not very good at all, so this rating is for the Bakeneko arc only (minus one point for not being only Bakeneko). The Bakeneko arc (eps. 9-11) is a fabulous piece of art, with an excellent storyline.
Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman (TV) Weak
Basquash! (TV) So-so Started off strong, but degenerated into fanservice spectacle and I gave up. Really good ending song though.
Blast of Tempest (TV) So-so
Bleach (TV) Very good Was extremely good all the way through the Soul Society Arc, and then the filler killed it. Even when they returned to canon episodes, they kept interspersing filler until I got fed up and quit. Plus the animation quality dropped so much, it completely irritated me and made watching it a chore, not a pleasure. I'll just stick with the manga.
Code:Breaker (TV) Weak
D4 Princess (TV) Bad Saw part of this in an anime club, and it was just stupid to even bother finishing.
Earl and Fairy (TV) So-so
Excel Saga (TV) Not really good Too weird.
Fate/stay night (TV)
From the New World (TV) So-so
Gakuen Alice (TV) So-so
Gilgamesh (TV) So-so This actually didn't look so bad, but then I lost interest in the story somewhere, and there's too much more interesting anime out there for me to bother.
Gravitation (TV) Not really good The blond guy is a cold bitch, and the pink guy's a big baby. Boring as hell.
GUNxSWORD (TV) First episode did not grab me. Van looks like a plain ripoff of Spike Spiegel, which didn't help. Did not like character designs, except for Van's. Bored.
Happy Lesson (TV) Bad Hate harem anime.
Humanity Has Declined (TV) Weak
Inuyasha (TV) So-so Too effing long to get involved in. The world looks kinda cool, but as soon as I saw that necklace shatter into five billion pieces I gave up.
ItaKiss (TV) So-so The main guy is such an arrogant prick, I can't tolerate the main girl being all love-love about him. She's a spineless airhead. Apparently he does get better later on, but I don't even want to bother with this.
Kasimasi - Girl Meets Girl (OAV) So-so I don't think yuri is my thing. Concept was too weird, with the aliens and such.
Kimagure Orange Road (TV) Not really good Didn't look interesting, and the animation style is too dated for my tastes. I can make exceptions, like for Here is Greenwood, but the storyline just didn't hook me.
Knight Hunters (TV) Awful Bishies and my favorite VA couldn't even overcome the crappy animation and completely terrible storyline.
Kokoro Library (TV) Awful Too girly and the sisters are weird.
Kyo kara Maoh! (TV) So-so
Level-C (OAV) Weak Yech. Too porny. And the guys weren't even good looking.
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (TV) So-so Too cutesy and kiddish.
Loveless (TV) Not really good I hate loli/shouta anime.
Macross Frontier (TV) So-so Potentially a really really good looking series, until all the flagrant fanservice with Sheryl drove me away. Really a bummer, because aside from the annoying fanservice, the anime looked quite interesting.
Magikano (TV) Pathetic fanservice harem anime. Not even funny.
Major (TV) Decent
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) So-so
My Sexual Harassment (OAV) Bad WAY WAY past my comfort zone!
Nabari no Ou (TV) Decent
Naruto (TV) Very good Like Bleach, Naruto was a lot of fun, up until the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke. Then like 100 eps of crappy filler followed. When Shippuuden finally started up, they dragged out the episodes SO much, and dropped the art quality correspondingly (except for Sakura's big fight; that was pretty cool), I gave up in frustration. I mean, really, how long were Kakashi and Naruto in that stupid tree canyon?
Naruto Shippūden (TV) Good See Naruto.
Night Raid 1931 (TV)
Nighthead Genesis (TV) So-so Younger brother was too whiny, and animation wasn't all that. Got terrible reviews from people who did see it, so I didn't bother.
Otaku no Video (OAV) Not really good ... not my thing, I guess.
Pokémon (TV) Too old for Pokemon, although I wouldn't mind giving it a chance, subbed.
Pretty Cure (TV) Weak Too cutesy girly.
Project A-ko (movie) So-so Too many boobs.
Rainbow - Nisha Rokubō no Shichinin (TV)
Ranma ½ (TV) Very good I really liked this at first (it was the first anime I saw and recognized as anime), but when I found out it went for over a hundred episodes, I stopped. Especially since it doesn't really progress anywhere. Ranma and Akane never get together, and she never figures out Ryoga is P-chan. What's the point?
Rurouni Kenshin (TV 1996) Excellent All the canon episodes were excellent, especially the entire Kyoto Arc. Everyone I know has said the third season is a complete waste of time and total filler, so I just ended while it was good, and bought all the manga instead. I rated this an Excellent for the canon episodes, although it really should be a Masterpiece, if it wasn't for all the filler.
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs (TV) Decent Too silly to ever watch seriously, but I gave it a decent for nostalgia. I saw this when I was pretty young, and this is probably the first anime I ever saw, without knowing what anime was. I thought it was super cool. I recently saw a clip on youtube, and laughed my self silly.
Saiyuki (TV) Not really good Crappy animation lost my interest.
Saki (TV) The mahjong parts were great. The unnecessary over the top fanservice was not. Ruined a potentially interesting anime.
Sakura Diaries (OAV) Bad Watched part of this on a whim, but it's too sexual.
Strawberry Eggs (TV) Weak Too much fanservice.
Sword Art Online (TV) Not really good
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (TV) Decent Like the Inuyasha necklace, I threw up my hands when the feathers exploded. Very pretty to watch, but too bothersome to follow.
Vampire Knight (TV) So-so A very pretty anime, full of bishies, but the angst and emoness drove me crazy.
Welcome to the NHK (TV) So-so Too much innuendo.
xxxHOLiC (TV) Good Extremely beautiful to watch, but with no story arc, it didn't hold my interest.