SecretAgent94's Anime

Series not finished yet or I've just flipped through.

Seen some Rating Comment
Bleach (TV) Pretty cool show. Interesting characters, great humor, awesome music. Just too many episodes for me to catch up and the show does not appeal to me enough for me to do that.
Dragon Ball GT (TV) So-so Not as bad as people make it out to be. Pretty good series; though not worthy enough to be a successor to DBZ. Lacks feeling of bright epicness DBZ had..
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV) The way Dragonball Z should have been in the first place; for better or for worse.
Elfen Lied (TV) Weak The nastiness turned me off this series. I will likely give it another try some time.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) Masterpiece Anime at it's finest.
One Piece (TV 1999) I've heard great things about this anime...But episode count is too high....No way I can catch up anytime soon...Maybe some day..
Yu-Gi-Oh! (TV 1/1998) Good
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (TV)

My anime experience so far....

Seen all Rating Comment
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Excellent Great series; though very episodic. The story itself is very good; but what stands out is definitely the atmosphere. The story takes place in 2071 but it someshow has a 1950s jazzy feel. Great series.
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Good Takes place during the towards of the series. Fluid animation, and good story. Nothing too special however.
Darker than Black (TV) Excellent
Death Note (TV) Excellent One of the best psychological thrillers ever. I kind of wish the show ventured more into the moral right vs. wrong issues that were just touched upon earlier on more. Second half is a complete cop-out, but the ending is worth it.
(The) Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (movie) Masterpiece
Dragon Ball (TV) Good Great childhood show. Unlike it's successer, DB manages to have a sense of adventure, exploration, AND fighting. It needs to come back on TV along with DBZ Kai.
Dragon Ball Z (TV) Worst ever (sub), Very good (dub) What can I say that hasn't been said? I have so many hours spent watching this as a kid. Awesome transformations, fight scenes, and the bad-@$$ BF OST. I wish every generation of 9 year old kids could watch it. Filler prevents this from being watchable to it's best to watch Kai version. The original Japanese audio version is almost unwatchable due to the terribly cheesy 1960s-style soundtrack.
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku (special) Decent Cool backstory to DBZ Saga.
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (movie 5) Good One of the best fights in DBZ ever. Nice, action-packed movie.
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (movie 4) Decent Good. Cool new type of Super Saiyan transformation.
Eden of the East (TV) Very good Awesome. Great political commentary and engaging characters. Must watch series. Minor flaw; the use of the word "Johnny" very irritating.
FLCL (OAV) Excellent Very random and nonsensical humor; and I loved every moment of it!
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Excellent One of the best animes I have ever seen. The themes covered in here are endless. Alchemy is used as a kind of metaphor; for advanced science. How far should science go? Where does religion play in? What is the value of a human life? These are the type of things questioned in this anime. Plenty of emotional development for the characters, captivating plot. Ending not too great; but the journey is amazing. This know really knows how to pull your emotional heart stings.
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa So-so Okay, I guess. Can't compare to the series...On to Brotherhood!
Grave of the Fireflies (movie)
Gurren Lagann (TV) Masterpiece WATCH...NOW!!
Haibane Renmei (TV) So-so Boring story, boring character design, boring setting, boring dialogue, boring music. This is honestly, the most boring experience I have been through in my life thus far outside of an academic setting. I'm not sure how I watched it all the way through.
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Excellent
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV 2009 renewal) Decent
Murder Princess (OAV) Good Very nice character designs and artwork. Bright, clear, and beautiful. Very good short and sweet series. First episode REALLY hooked me in. Ends with under answered questions. :-/
Ninja Scroll (movie) So-so Okay I guess. After all the popularity, I was expecting some kind of masterpiece with symbolism and deeper meanings. It was..just a ninja action movie...
Rurouni Kenshin (TV 1996) Masterpiece This is an instant must watch that every anime fans should see. Historical drama, some political commentary, philosophy, excellent character, charm, amazing music....The perfect anime pretty much.
Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection (OAV) Weak (dub & sub) A non-canon and sub-par ending to the Rurouni Kenshin series set in the Trust & Betrayal OVA universe and a melodramatic movie in it's own right.. For the real ending, read the Jinchu Arc of the manga. Melodramatic, everyone is out of character, terrible Sony dub....
Rurouni Kenshin: The Motion Picture Weak A slapdash filler "motion picture" just put together to cash in on the franchise. Feels more like an episode than a movie and a terrible dub to boot.
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal (OAV) Very good (dub & sub) Rurouni Kenshin Prequel...Great OVA. The soundtrack is excellent and it is a nice portayal of Kenshin's past. It is a tad over dramatic at times (the Manga managed to sqeeze SOME humor in this part)....This is not in the same universe as the manga/series...Rather it is a terrific film in it's own right.
Samurai Champloo (TV) Excellent This anime is a lot of fun to watch. Plenty of very fluid sword fight animation, simple story, hilarious comedy and interesting characters. Definitely recommend.
Serial Experiments Lain (TV) Masterpiece Total mind-rape. I don't even know what to say about this anime.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV) Decent Awesome childhood action series with some emotion in there as well. Wish it came on so kids these days could watch it.
Yu-Gi-Oh! (movie 1999) Decent Nostalgia, oh sweet nostalgia.