Otter Pops

par Zac Bertschy & Lynzee Loveridge,
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ANNCast 350 - Otter Pops

Zac and Lynzee chime in on an entire ocean of pop cultural artifacts, including Shin Godzilla, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Sailor Moon, and the ending of Sarazanmai.

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00:30 Zac and Lynzee are here and it's time to talk about convention season!

09:45 Movie chat

25:30 Anime: First up: Demon Slayer and (SPOILER WARNING) Attack on Titan! Also Sailor Moon Crystal for some reason!

50:30 Sarazanmai ended! What did we think? (SPOILERS WITHIN)

And that's it! See you next week!

Have questions for the ANNCast crew? Tweet 'em to @ActionZacku! Or check out the community forums thread about the show, or send email questions to zac@animenewsnetwork dot com!

Theme Song: "Bucharest" by The New Division. Check them out on iTunes!

Special thanks to Phillip Harrington for designing and creating the ANNCast logo.

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