Anime Expo 2003
Bandai Entertainment panel

par Bamboo Dong,
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The Bandai Entertainment panel represented by Jerry Chu and Ken Iyadomi was greeted anxiously by fans on Friday. After answering a few questions from attendees, it was finally time to make public the eagerly awaited license list. To announce their new releases, the sizzle reel that had been playing in the Dealer Room was brought up. The reel was in the form of an elongated music video that showcased Bandai's past hits, its current endeavors, and finally its new releases.

The new acquisitions were greeted with loud cheers, with the flashy list including .hack//DUSK, Dragon Drive, Galaxy Angel seasons 1 & 2, Gundam F91, Taruto (Magical Meow Meow), Stratos 4, Tenshi no Shippo, Zeta Gundam, Yukikaze, and the two most eagerly anticipated releases, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, and Wolf's Rain.

They also talked about .hack//SIGN -- 2 NEW episodes have been created and will be included in the last volume of .hack//SIGN (v.6) - The last episode Is completely brand new and still in production. This final episode will wrap up the series.

In regards to Zeta Gundam, they also announced the boxed set - which will contain both English and Japanese language with English subtitles - this limited box set will also contain a not yet disclosed item and will be released months ahead of its "single releases."

It was also announced that the dub for Wolf's Rain will be done by Animaze, the same company that handled the dubbing for Cowboy Bebop.

Because the sizzle reel that had been playing at the Bandai booth had included brief shots of the above series, some of the acquisitions didn't come as a total surprise, but they still received a very loud and positive response.

In other gaming news, it was mentioned that there is currently a Cowboy Bebop game being produced in Japan for the PS2. However, there is yet no news on a US release.

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