Replacement Discs Offered for Errors in Japanese Evangelion Boxes

posté à par Egan Loo
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King Records' Starchild label reported on Thursday that errors appeared in its Neon Genesis Evangelion Blu-ray Box and Archives Of Evangelion DVD Box.

Disc 9 of the Blu-ray Box had the incorrect eyecatch sequences for the home video format version of episode 25 "Air" and episode 26 "Magokoro o, Kimi ni" — they listed "The End of Evangelion" instead of "Neon Genesis Evangelion."

Due to technical errors during manufacturing, the TV broadcast version of Evangelion: Death (True) in the DVD Box mixed in content from another sequence in the upper right corner for six seconds. The error occurs from about the 41:58 mark to about the 42:04 mark (depending on the individual player's timer settings) in this movie on disc 8.

Owners of these boxes can return these specific, affected discs for replacement discs at the address Starchild listed.

[Via Minna no Eva Fan]

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