Producer: Hideaki Anno is Working on His Next Project

posté à par Karen Ressler
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Shin Godzilla executive producer Akihiro Yamauchi appeared at the Kinema Jumpo awards ceremony on Sunday to accept the award for Best Scriptwriter on behalf of Hideaki Anno. At the ceremony, he mentioned that Anno is already working on his next project. His statement is as follows:

I'm sorry to those who hoped to see Director Anno! Director Anno is a man of few words, so all he had to say was "thank you very much." He puts all his heart into his work, so please see it two or three times. He is already working on his next project.

Anno commented last July that he felt he could continue working on Evangelion now that he has finished directing Shin Godzilla, and apologized for the delay in the fourth and final film. Animation director Takeshi Honda mentioned in an interview in November that the Evangelion team was at work on the new film.

Anno has also mentioned that he would like to do a sequel to Shin Godzilla.

Source: Eiga Natalie

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