The Edit List
Tenchi Universe - ep. 2: No Need for a Princess

par Kyle Pope,
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Tenchi Universe: No Need for a Princess

1. Ryouko's "Let's fight that evil princess with the power of our love" changed to "Let's fight that evil princess with the power of our true love". (Why waste the studio time.)

2. Aeka's "Let's all three of us go to hell together" changed to "Let's all three of us perish together".

Interesting what was left in this episode. All the references to death that were cut out of Gundam found their way here. Aeka and Ryouko were throwing numerous death threats at each other culminating with Aeka taking herself, Tenchi, Ryouko and a very reluctant Mihoshi on a suicide plunge through the atmosphere. I can only guess Toonami only allows references to death only when nobody actually dies.


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