The Edit List
Tenchi Universe - ep. 4: No Need for Monsters!

par Kyle Pope,
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Tenchi Universe: No Need for Monsters!

1. Aeka's "Doing this and doing that" changed to "Off somewhere, all alone".

2. Scene of Ryouko starting to undress for Tenchi cut.

3. Scene of Aeka and company breaking in on Tenchi and Ryouko en flagrante delicto cut.

4. Not an Edit... Ryouko's "Trying to seduce Tenchi" uncut.

Now this is an example of editing inconsistency that drives me up a wall. The first edit has them eliminating Aeka's implication that Tenchi and Ryouko are off getting sexually involved but leave in Ryouko's blatant admission of her specific intent to do just that. And considering the word "seduce" was edited out of the OVA (ep #7) I'm surprised that they left it intact in this episode. Well reports are that CN is no longer editing the shows they acquire. They'll be leaving that to the distributing company. Whether or not that's an improvement has yet to be determined.


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