The Edit List
* To Cartoon Network

par Kyle Pope,
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To Cartoon Network,

On August 18th, 2003, during the airing of Trigun a bumper card was aired listing my by name and the column I write for Anime News Network ( [CN actually named us as "" -ed]), Kyle Pope's Edit List, listing the edits made to Cartoon Network's anime offerings. What can I say? Thank you very much for the honor. There are literally thousands of columns, websites and news posts regarding Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and Toonami and its programming. To have been singled out from such an immense and noisy group is intensely flattering.

Please know that it is not my intention to “make you sad.” I cannot express the depth of my appreciation for the great quantity of anime that has seen US television exposure through the efforts of Cartoon Network via Adult Swim and Toonami. The nature of much anime, though, does require it be edited before it can be shown on TV in the US due to the difference in social standards between the US and Japan. Prior to the advent of your anime blocks, most anime fans got their fix from unedited DVDs or VHS tapes. Now many long-time fans and well as anime newcomers are using Cartoon Network as a way of checking out new shows before they buy. Naturally they are curious as to whether the shows they are watching have been edited and if so how much. That's where I come in.

I freely admit I'm critical, but I do hope I'm not being unfair. About the only thing I find fault with in Cartoon Network's handling of anime is the inconsistency in editing. I understand and accept there are things you simply can't show. It can be frustrating, however, to see the standards seemingly vary from show to show or episode to episode. Honestly, this is the only criticism I have of Adult Swim or Toonami. Otherwise, you're doing a great job.

So I shall continue to catalogue anime edits—on Cartoon Network and elsewhere—so long as there are fans interested in the information. Given the interest so many people seem to have in these lists, one can only conclude that Toonami and Adult Swim are doing very well for you in the ratings. But then you know that better than I.

So thank you again for the acknowledgement. It really made my day.

Kyle Pope

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