The Edit List
Neon Genesis Evangelion Episodes 4 & 5

par Kyle Pope,
Désolé, cet article n'est pas disponible en français.
Neon Genesis Evangelion 04: Hedgehog's Dilemma

1) Completely unedited.

Safe episode.

Neon Genesis Evangelion 05: Rei I

1)* Shinji's "Bullshit!" muted from "Bullshit! My father did that!" after Ritsuko explains Gendou's rescue of Rei.

2) Shot of Shinji's hand on Rei's breast after he falls on her cut.

First real edits of the series. I'm surprised they edited out Shinji's hand on Rei's breast given how much of Rei we got to see in that scene.

[Editor's Note: The "Bullshit" is again due to a difference between the original English dub, and the adjusted dub from the Platinum version. The "Bullshit" did not appear in the original dub and as such is not an edit by Adult Swim.]

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