Temps forts
Voice Actresses Raise 2+ Million Yen for Quake Charity

posté à par Gia Manry
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Ah! My Goddess' Inoue, K-ON!'s Toyosaki auction signed/illustrated goods

Japanese voice actresses Kikuko Inoue (Ah! My Goddess's Belldandy, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood's Lust) and Aki Toyosaki (K-ON!'s Yui Hirasawa, Minami-ke's Yoshino) have each auctioned off collectible items for charity, earning a combined 2,387,500 yen (approximately US$28,200) which will go to relief funds supporting victims of March 11's Great Eastern Japan Earthquake (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai) disaster.

Inoue's auction took place on Yahoo! Japan and consisted of Inoue's own personal portable CD player, its pouch, and a compact mirror — each signed by the voice actress. The auction ended at 820,900 yen (about US$9,690) on Friday, April 8.

Toyosaki auctioned off a tote bag which featured her own drawing as well as her signature on the Crown Jewel auction website. The auction ended at 1,566,600 yen (US$18,500) on Monday.

A charity auction for a jersey signed by all four members of the voice actress group SphereMinako Kotobuki, Ayahi Takagaki, Haruka Tomatsu, and Toyosaki — also ended on Monday at 508,000 yen (US$6,000).

Thanks to Dormcat for the news tip.

[Via Uri-Sure Matome +]

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