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Japanese Creators Contribute to Assassin's Creed Exhibit

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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The game publisher Ubisoft Entertainment held an Assassin's Creed Art Exhibition that included pieces by Japanese illustrators, manga creators, and directors at Tokyo's Spiral Gallery this past weekend.

The participating artists include Takashi Okazaki (Afro Samurai), Daigo Okumura (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Elementhunters), manga creator Fuyumi Soryo (Mars, Eternal Sabbath), Katsuya Terada (Blood: The Last Vampire), Tsutomu Nihei (Blame!, Biomega), Platinum Games' Yūsuke Hashimoto (Bayonetta), Mahiro Maeda (Blue Submarine No. 6, The Animatrix), and Kōji Morimoto (Animatrix's Beyond segment, Genius Party, Memories).

The GamePro website posted samples of the exhibition's art.

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