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Eva Phone Project Announces Pre-Orders for November, Prices

posté à par Carlos Cadorniga
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Anime News Network's merchandise coverage sponsored by Tokyo Otaku Mode.

NERV-approved phones are coming soon, and fans can reserve their own in a matter of weeks.

Announced back in July, the Evangelion Android smartphone—currently being developed by NTT Docomo—will soon open for pre-orders starting in November. The phone is also expected to cost 78,000 yen (about US$651).

Promotional video

Having received design input from over 30,000 supporters back in July, fans have had a lot of influence in creating the phone.

A special questionnaire was also released to supporters to calculate what features they would like to see in the phone. The most popular features, according to fans, were a simple design with the back modeled after Eva Unit-01. Fans also voted in favor for a voice interface featuring Asuka. Supporters also had a say in what kind of sounds and ringtones would come with the phone.

The phone is being developed in celebration of Evangelion's 20th anniversary. It is expected to be released at the end of the year.

NTT Docomo offered a "Nerv Only" phone model to tie into Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance anime film in 2009. The franchise got its first smartphone in 2012.

[Via Japanese Engadget]

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