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Weekly Shonen Jump's 50th Anniversary Issue is Packed with Nostalgia

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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This year's 33rd issue of Weekly Shonen Jump will hit store shelves on July 14, and it already looks to be a collector's item for long-time manga fans. This week's issue, released on July 9, gave some peeks of what readers can expect next week.

The magazine will include a manga short by Tomohiro Hasegawa titled "Bleach to Boku" (Bleach and Me) that describes Hasegawa's experience seeing the first live-action Bleach film in theaters.

Fans of the retired Kochira Katsushika-ku Kamearikouen-mae Hashutsujo ("Kochikame") police comedy manga will want to pick the issue up for a brand new chapter by creator Osamu Akimoto. Akimoto ended his long-running series Kochikame series in 2016 only to turn around and launch four new manga series in its stead.

Anyone looking for a lowdown on what Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama is up to while the new Dragon Ball Super film is in the works might find answers in magazine's new interview. Toriyama and Slam Dunk creator Takehiko Inoue sat down for a round-table discussion, and the transcript is included in the issue.

There is, of course, Bleach creator Tite Kubo's new manga one-shot Burn The Witch included as well. Viz Media announced that English-speaking readers will get a chance to read the one-shot in the publisher's digital edition of Weekly Shonen Jump on Monday.

There are messages from Weekly Shonen Jump manga creators old and new in the magazine, each congratulating Shueisha for the last 50 years of manga. The issue's cover will include main characters from most, if not all, of the manga currently running in Weekly Shonen Jump, as well as an inner gallery of previous covers.

Readers can also be on the look out for the magazine's famous pirate logo inside the magazine for a chance to win a shikishi board.

Weekly Shonen Jump kicked off its 50th anniversary with multiple projects, events, and merchandise. So far three compilation CDs, a music festival, three art exhibitions, magazine reprints, and T-shirts are just a few of the collaborations announced.

Source: Weekly Shonen Jump #32 (2018)

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