Temps forts
Voice Actor Vic Mignogna Maintains Innocence in Live Stream

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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Voice actor Vic Mignogna appeared in a 13-minute live-stream on Tuesday where he directly responded to the allegations by voice actresses Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi that led to his failed court case last year. Mignogna maintained his innocence, stating that his accusers were false friends and their statements are not true. Mignogna went on to deny Rial's claims, that he had any sexual interest in Marchi, and additionally denied the account given by voice actress Kara Edwards in her sworn affidavit.

"I have never once in the history of my life forced myself on anyone, ever," Mignogna says. "I've made normal advances that were either accepted or rejected, and that was that."

Mignogna goes on to say that he has never been in a fight, has never hurt anyone, and never would.

"Anyone who thinks differently doesn't know me at all and anyone who claims differently is a liar," Mignogna said. He claimed that the industry members who made accusations had led him to believe they were friends with the exception of voice actor Sean Schemmel, who he stated was upfront with him about not liking him based on Mignogna's Christian faith.

The women had publicly accused Mignogna of inappropriately touching them that included grabbing and pulling their hair and in Rial's case, holding her down and kissing her on a bed in a hotel room during a convention.

In the video, Mignogna refers to Marchi's allegations of hair-pulling as "disgusting" and an outrage to sexual assault survivors. Mignogna did not comment on Rial's account but said that when her initial allegations were shared last year that he did not have any knowledge of what he could have done and privately apologized to her. These apologies were included as exhibits during his court case.

Edwards claimed in her affidavit that Mignogna pursued a sexual relationship with her that included knocking on a shared hotel room door and repeatedly calling her room to allow him access. Edwards claimed at a second convention two years later that Mignogna rubbed her "thighs and buttocks" and blocked her exit while in a hotel room with him.

In the video, Mignogna denies Edwards' allegations of assault although he previously stated in an interview with i09 last year that the incident occurred but was consensual. Mignogna posits that he doesn't understand why Edwards was upset about her autograph table being moved away from his after the alleged assault or her continued interactions with him. Edwards had stated in her affidavit that the autograph table was moved at Mignogna's request and she had concerns that Mignogna would negatively affect her career.

Mignogna claimed in the video that he has received messages from "friends at Funimation" who told him they're "disgusted" with the actions of his accusers.

"They personally witnessed with their own eyes all of these people pretending to be my friends...I hope none of you have to learn that the people in your lives who you thought were your friends are lying backstabbers who never liked you much to begin with and were secretly hoping, and even plotting, to destroy you," Mignogna said.

Mignogna sued Marchi, Rial, Rial's fiance Ronald Toye, and Funimation for tortious interference of existing contracts, tortious interference of business relations, civil conspiracy, and defamation last April. The case was dismissed and Mignogna was ordered to pay the defendants US$223,042.42 for attorney's fees and US$15,000 in sanctions. Additionally the judge ordered US$287,500 in contingent fees that Mignogna may have to pay as part of his appeal that is currently ongoing.

Mignogna was accused by a number of con attendees of kissing and embracing them without consent over the course of his career with some allegations dating back to 1989. He was accused of kissing or touching women without their consent in additional sworn affidavits from convention runners, fellow guests, and former Funimation employees

Thanks to Lost Impact Production for the news tip

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