Gainax, company president admit tax evasion

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Japan's English-language newspaper Yomiuri Shinbun reports that Gainax has admitted to charges of tax evasion, in which they allegedly concealed 1.5 billion Yen in profits, thus evading 560 million Yen in corporate taxes. After the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau filed a complaint against the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, they inspected the company's Musashino, Tokyo-based headquarters on Thursday.

The paper's sources say that Gainax took in more than two billion yen during Evangelion's television and theatrical runs from August 1995 to July 1997, but padded production costs to appear to have only made 500-600 million yen profit. A Gainax representative refused comment on the matter, and it is unclear at this point the consequences that the company faces for the charges.

ANN thanks readers Isaac Alexander and Akio Nagatomi for forwarding the information.

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