BGC DVD pushed up, new releases announced

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Software company Multimedia 2000 (M2K) announced yesterday that their shipping copies of the long-awaited Bubblegum Crisis boxed set DVD's will likely start shipping today, and will likely see other internet-based mail-order retailers sometime next week. The 8-episode series comes bilingual with extra DVD-ROM features on three discs, arranged much like the newly-released Bubblegum Crisis Collection tapes from AnimEigo.

Meanwhile, Central Park Media announced several pending DVD releases, including Cybernetics Guardian, Heroic Legend of Arislan boxed set, Judge, Revolutionary Girl Utena boxed set, Strange Love ("Hen"), Takegami: Guardian of Darkness, War God, and A Wind Named Amnesia. Last week, Pioneer announced DVD's of Tenchi Muyo!: Tenchi in Tokyo and Fatal Fury.

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