Pioneer announces new DVD titles

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Pioneer formally announced on their web page this week the impending release of the Tenchi Muyo! OAV boxed set. The set, which will contain all 13 OAV's on two DVD's as well as a third bonus DVD containing bonus materials, including version 3.0 of the Tenchi Muyo! Encyclopedia and production stills from the upcoming Tenchi Forever movie. The first 3,000 boxed sets produced will each have a limited edition foil-printed plastic "mini-plaque".

This marks Pioneer's second DVD release of something previously released (the first was Green Legend Ran, which doesn't really count as it coincided with a video re-release), hinting that more releases such as Armitage III, El Hazard, and others are on the way. The audio for the Tenchi boxed set will include the original Japanese stereo version, the dubbed English stereo version, and a new remixed AC-3 version of the Japanese audio track. The set is scheduled to ship in March.

Pioneer also announced DVD versions of the second and third volumes of the Pokémon American edition TV series.

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