News Briefs

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  • Manga Entertainment has revealed that their upcoming re-release of Hayao Miyazaki's Lupin III movie, "Castle of Cagliostro" will be retranslated from scratch and re-dubbed. There was speculation that, since the title was purchased from the old Streamline Pictures catalog, that the old dub directed by Carl Macek would be used, but this will not be the case. The film will see a VHS subtitled and dubbed release as well as a DVD bi-lingual release on July 27, the same day The Wings of Honneamise DVD will be released with a new AC-3 5.1 channel soundtrack. Meanwhile, Macross Plus episodes 1-2 and 3-4 have been moved back to 8/31 and 9/28 respectively, and a new Devilman DVD has been announced for 10/26.

  • ANN has confirmed the American release of the Princess Mononoke film and art book by Disney's publishing arm, Hyperion Books. The trade paperback, which will retail for $29.95, is set for a July release, and is said to be untouched from the Japanese publication (except for translation and page reversal). is already taking pre-orders.

  • First Bubblegum Crisis 2040 re-worked the classic OAV series as a TV show, and now the same is being done to the markedly gritter AD Police series. The new series, which can't be nearly as graphic as the OAV's due to broadcast regulations, will be called AD Police 2039. It apparently won't feature Leon McNicol.

  • In a not-so-recent e-mail Q&A session with a fan web page, Funimation revealed that the new 50-episode season of Dragon Ball Z, which will try to keep editing and censoring to a minimum, will finish at Japanese episode #117. They also reveal that there have been some legal problems with Pioneer, and that their relationship may or not be over. This means that unless a new licensee comes forward, there may not be future Dragon Ball Z DVD releases.

    Special thanks to Mike Toole, Isaac Alexander, and Kevin Cook

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