PSME to air on KTEH

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Please Save My Earth to be shown on PBS

San Jose PBS affilliate KTEH-54 will be showing the Please Save My Earth OAV series starting in July. The station, which has previously shown Urusei Yatsura, Tenchi Muyo, and Key the Metal Idol, has shown an increasing interest in the anime scene, offering anime merchandise at pledge drives and attending conventions such as Fanime '99.

The 1992 PSME (Boku no Tama o Mamotte) series, which is based on the bestselling manga by Saki Hiwatari, will be shown in its original 6-part format, and will be shown Sunday nights between 10 and 11 PM. As a video release, PSME was a dismal failure (such that a subtitled version was never released and a bilingual DVD release seems unlikely), but fans are hoping that the broadcast will renew interest in the series so that a subtitled edition will be made available.

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