More Online Petitions

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Dung Nguyen has a petition to bring the Slam Dunk Anime to North America at[email protected]$341514286100. He is aiming for 10 000 signatures before submitting the petition to distributors.

We receivec this e-mail about another petition:

We've created an online petition to FUNimation, the company that dubs english Dragon Ball Z. Our goal is to convince them to use more direct translations, the original music, and better voice actors. Our ultimate aim is to help them make DBZ in the U.S. as good as it was in Japan. Our petition can be found at:

Bruce Osborne and Luis Cruz of the Lupin III Encyclopedia would like ot show Manga just how many people want to see more Lupin the 3rd movies (Manga has recently announced interest in acquiring more Lupin films). The goal is 10,000 signatures; the Petition is located at

And one last one for the week from Sarah Tran:

To Canadian Pokémon viewers,
As you are aware, Kids WB in America has shown the "Lost Eps"... read the following statement from YTV:

"Although we are aware that some of the "lost" episodes of 'Pokémon have been dubbed and recently aired on Kids WB, YTV has NO plans to air any of these episodes anytime in the near future. We hope you can understand that the 3 lost episodes are not included in our contract for 'Pokémon'. In other words, when YTV bought the rights to air 'Pokémon', our legal agreement with the distributor stated that we would not air those three episodes. The fact that Kids WB aired them does not influence our schedule in anyway as we are
not associated with that station and therefore do not act in accordance with them. There is also no way we could obtain copies of the episodes from them as television stations are only licensed to receive programs from a distributor after negotiations have been done. "

If you want to get YTV to have the rights to show the "Lost Episodes,"
Sign this petition:$14572237100

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