Petition Updates

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Ken Lee has started a petition to bring to Manga Entertainment's attention the variety of shortcomings he and many fans see in recent DVD releases from Manga. "Manga Entertainment's Anime DVDs have consistently been sub-standard in a variety of areas," states the petition with Ken adding, "hopefully [the petition will] gain enough signatures to make Manga E's production staff notice that the anime customers *do* care about the quality of the anime DVDs."

The four goal of the petition are to improve the Video Quality of the DVDs, improve the Layer Switch on their DVDs, include the original Japanese Voice Actors in the End Credits Roll and to get better Extras / bonus materials on the Manga E. DVD's.

The petition can be read in its entirety and signed here.

The possibility of a 3rd Tenchi Muyo! OVA series has been in the news for quite a while now. Rumours have been around for a long time. A statement in Love Magazine in June (See archives More Tenchi Updates (7/9/2000)) gave fans a lot of new hope for the possibility of a 3rd OVA or TV series. In September a petition was started by The Ayeka Fan Club to convince Pioneer and AIC to go ahead and produce a 3rd OVA series.

The petition, which currently has slightly over 1500 signatures, will be mailed to Pioneer/AIC on January 1st. Anyone interested in signing it has until then to do so, it can be read and signed here. Recently we posted that it seemed unlikely that a 3rd OVA series was currently in the works at AIC.

Note: If you would like have your petition mentionned on ANN e-mail (petitions at us about the petition and we will concider including it in our weekly petition update.

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