Petition to Reissue Honneamise DVD

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Petition seeks to recall and reissue the faulty Honneamise DVD, released by Manga Entertainment

Rob "red-paladin" Sollanych has informed us of his petition to convince Manga Entertainment to fix and re-issue the faulty Wings of Honneamise DVD.

The Petition Statement reads:
"As you may well know, Manga Entertainment has produced some very inferior products recently, and the worst of all of these is the DVD version of The Wings of Honneamise.

This disc has been proven to be defective, most of which due to an amateur production error.

Many fans consider this one of the best movies they have ever seen, anime or not.

This petition aims to convince Manga Ent. that they must recall The Wings of Honneamise DVD as soon as possible."

Interested parties may view and sign the petition by clicking here.

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