Dragonball Manga to remain Unedited

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Viz has announced that future issues of the Dragon Ball (NOT DBZ!) manga will remain unedited and carry a 13+ label. First 3 graphic novels to be reprinted

Source: Planet

It would seem that the various internet efforts, including a petition with over 10 000 signatures, have worked! As of the already released Dragon Ball volume 4, the Dragon Ball manga will remain unedited. Furthermore, Viz will be re-printing the first three graphic novels and re-inserting any material that was originally cut or edited.

The original letter:

AND NOW...A SHOCKING MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR! As most of you know, back in Dragon Ball Part 3 #3, we announced that due to parental complaints the Dragon Ball manga was going to be "edited" for content. Soon after that, we got hundreds of letters and e-mails begging us not to censor the manga. An online petition to bring back uncensored Dragon Ball was set up by Julian Grybowski, and soon got more than 10, 000 signatures. We listened to your suggestions, and now we are proud to announce:


After much consideration, we've decided that this is the best way to do it. Many of you suggested this (too many to thank you all individually), and you can see the label on this comic and on Dragon Ball Vol. 4 which came out in February. Also, we will soon be reprinting Dragon Ball Vol. 1-3 and re-inserting the material which was censored in the graphic novel version. You can tell which is the uncensored version because it'll have the "13 and Up" label in the lower right corner. The censored graphic novels will not be reprinted and will soon be unavailable.

Because of this label, you might not be able to find Dragon Ball graphic novels at certain large chain stores. (You should still be able to find Dragon Ball Z.) However, we at Viz have decided that this trade-off is worth it-it's better to keep Toriyama's spirit intact. Our thanks go out to all the fans who signed the petition and wrote us intelligent letters saying what you think-it's because of you and all the other Dragon Ball readers that this happened.


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