More Saber Marionette

posté à par Scott Green
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Charles McCarter of Bandai posted on Anime on DVD's forum that Saber Marionette J Again now has a release date of 01/08/2002.

The set will be two DVD-9's with three episodes on each disc and will retail for 34.98$. Features and extras include: Japanese, English, Spanish audio, English subtitles, Textless Opening Collection, Textless Ending Collection, Saber Marionette Commercial Collection and a Production Art Gallery.

"As you might know, each Opening and Ending for Saber Marionette J to X was different, so there are numerous openings/closings." Charles went on to say.

"The Commercial collection features Japanese TV spots for Saber Marionette J, Saber
Marionette J Again, and Saber Marionette J to X"

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