Original Animate animation to hit LA store

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Animate's original branded Animation, by Hideaki Anno and Gainax, will be broadcast at their LA store "soon."

According to Animate's Website their original branded Animation, "Anime Tenchō", will be publlicly broadcasted in Japan and will also be showing at Animate's LA store shortly.

Anime Tenchō, animated by Gainax and directed by Hideaki Anno, was first shown at Animate Expo on January 13th. The Anime Tenchō story revolves around the Animate store and is being used as a publicity vehicle. The script is based on an elements from the Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou series.

This isn't the first attempt by an Anime store to produce their own Anime for publicity purposes. Brocolli / Gamer's Di Gi Charat series has been hugely popular and has been used for the Omochabox store in the United States.

Anime Tenchou Production details.

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