Slayers Audio Problems Part Deux

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Remastered DVDs exhibiting similar problems to the originals...

Some episodes on the 2nd and 3rd volumes of the re-issued Slayers DVDs have been exhibiting issues very similar to the issues that plagued the entire first set. TRSI has halted their Slayers trade-in program and will be holding onto returned DVDs until CPM issues a new set of replacements.

Currently there are no details on when a new set of replacements will be ready, the first replacement discs took over a year and a half tobe made available.

CPM has issued the following official statement:

To All Slayers Fans:
We've got a big apology to make.

Some of the "remastered" DVD's of Slayers which we just released were found to have certain of the same audio phase problems as the original DVD's.

As far as we currently know, two of the four discs in the "remastered" box set still show some of these audio phase problems.

Accordingly, we have ceased the trade-in program with The Right Stuf, pending the results of our investigation of what went wrong, and what it will take to fix it.

We'll be back to this location on our site with more info as we get it. We're expecting to be able to provide further info by the end of this week.

Richard Goffman
VP of Sales and Marketing

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