Virus on DVD

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Manga Entertainment has announced the November 26th release of Virus volume 1 DVD for $29.95. Original title: Virus Buster Serge

Press Release:

Chicago, IL (September 25, 2002) Manga presents a gripping 13-episode sci-fi action epic that combines the intelligence and cybernetic vision of Ghost in the Shell with the complex character development and furious mecha combat of the groundbreaking Neon Genesis Evangelion series. Virus is the latest work of veteran anime director, character designer and fan-favorite Masami Ōbari (Battle Arena Toshinden, and Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture).

Originally aired from October to December of 1997 on Japan's TV Tokyo, Virus received a substantial share of its target Television audience. Perhaps because of its popularity, the similarity between this series and Universal Pictures' 1999 feature film of the same name has led many to speculate that the later film, in which an electronic alien life-form takes over a research spacecraft and plots to wipe out humanity by means of an infectious machine-taking-over virus, was in part based upon the anime series.

Neo Hong Kong, 2097: The world has changed. Advances in genetic engineering and cybernetics have created an environment full of artificially enhanced humans and intelligent super-computers that operate using biological software. But the same technology that has allowed man & machine to merge has made both susceptible to a new kind of threat - digital viruses capable of controlling their hosts.

The last line of defense against this insidious foe is an elite task force known as STAND. Equipped with state-of-the-art armored cybernetic suits known as "variable gears," only this special law-enforcement arm can deal with virus-infected war machines on their own terms.

But when a prototype armored gear is infected with a new virus during its unveiling, STAND has its hands full. Not only must they contend with the rouge machine, but a mysterious stranger know as Serge appears on the scene with his sights firmly fixed on STAND's leader, Raven. Fascinated with the young man's potential, Raven arranges for Serge to be unwittingly fitted with one of STAND's variable gears. Not only is Serge's thirst for vengeance corrected through this gambit, but the young man's latent battle skills are awakened in time for him to soundly defeat the hostile prototype.

In the wake of the battle, Serge is invited to join STAND. But what is the secret behind Serge's phenomenal strength and skill? What secrets do his past hold? And just what is his connection to the sinister "Incubator" - the self-aware orbital space station bent upon replacing humanity with its infected offspring?

DVD features include: Audio in 5.1 English, English & Japanese Stereo, Full-Frame video, character bios, character design and mecha design artwork.

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