Pioneer Delaying Episode of Lupin III

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Fans have noted that the Official Lupin 3 Website is missing an episode in the episode list.

Matt Last has informed ANN that, based on the information on Pioneer's Official Lupin III website, it appears that Pioneer has cut the 3rd episode of Lupin III from the series. The episode in question is titled "Hitler's Legacy."

ANN spoke with Pioneer rep Chad Kime who explained that the episode wasn't being cut, but rather delayed. According to Mr. Kime, "The episode in question entails a bit of risk, on the part of the licensor and Pioneer, that it could undermine the property." Given that Lupin III is a new title that they are releasing to North America and the sensitive nature of any material related to Nazi Germany, Pioneer decided to delay the episode until Lupin has had a chance to properly establish its identity in the North American market.

Pioneer will be releasing a more detailed and official statement regarding this later today or tomorrow.

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