Tokyo International Anime Fair Puts up Media, Lists Exhibitors

posté à par Garry Berryhill
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The Tokyo International Anime Fair now provides streaming video, as well as a list of its exhibitors.

The Tokyo International Anime Fair(TIAF) is an animation trade show devoted the promotion of anime. The Fair is sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and various anime-related industries. The festival showcases Japanese animation to the world through events, including talks by several high profile animation directors, exhibitions, competitions, and screenings of future shows. The trade fair, which is not open to the public, features 450 booths. What's interesting to note is that American companies such as ADV Films & TokyoPop will be exhibiting. Funimation CEO Gen Fukunaga will also be presenting a lecture about the North American Anime market.

In the press release, they include some interesting information regarding the anime industry in Japan.

Approximately 60% of all animated productions enjoyed by children around the world are produced in Japan, with roughly 70% of all such Japanese products created in Tokyo.

Each year, approximately 30 animated films are produced for domestic theater release, and over 2,500 animated TV episodes are broadcast in Japan.

The total value of anime product exports is approximately 500 billion yen, accounting for 65% of Japan's total image and graphics-related product exports of 760 billion yen.

Japan's domestic market for anime products, including sales of products such as anime character goods, is estimated to be a trillion yen industry.

Japan boasts roughly 300 domestic companies producing animated films, over 210 of which are located in Tokyo. These companies are actively creating anime products while maintaining close links with surrounding contents industries.

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