New Manga From Digital Manga

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Three New Yaoi Titles Licensed

Digital Manga Publishing (DMP) has informed us that they have acquired the rights to three yaoi titles; Only the Ring Finger Knows, by Satoru Kannagi and Hotaru Odagiri; Desire, by Maki Kazumi and Yukine Honami; and Passion, by Shinobu Gotoh. Only the Ring Finger Knows and the first volume of Passion are set to be released in August; Desire in October and volume two of Passion in November. Only the Ring Finger Knows and Desire are stand-alone releases, while Passion runs for two volumes.

Each volume will cost $12.95

The three new manga, along with DMP's previously announced titles, Ikebukuro West Gate Park and Worst, will be distributed exclusively by Diamond Distributors. DMP is also involved in co-publishing four other manga titles, Berserk, Trigun, The Ring and Hellsing, with Dark Horse Comics. These titles are also distributed by Diamond.

DMP currently has the license for the first 3 volumes of Ikebukuro West Gate Park and Worst respectively.

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