Classic Anime on the Big Screen in Montreal

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
Désolé, cet article n'est pas disponible en français.
Captain Harlock, Candy Candy, Goldorak and other Anime Classics on the Big Screen

This Saturday and Sunday, Weekend Télé Rétro at Theatre National in Montreal will screen numerous anime that were broadcast in Quebec in the 1970s and 1980s.

Among the anime will be Goldorak, Albator and Albator '84 , Candy (Candy Candy), Astro (Astro Boy), Belle et Sebastien, Capitaine Flam, Lady Oscar, Ulysse 31, Le Roi Léo (Kimba the White Lion), Mini-Fée (Maya the Bee), Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or and other anime and classic animation.

They will also feature as a special guest, Flora Balzano, the voice of Astro, and others. The showings will be in French.

Theatre National is at 1220 Ste-Catherine Est (Metro Beaudry)

Details are available here.

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