Upcoming Manga Launches

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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May and June Shipping Manga from ADV, Tokyopop and others...

In addition to already known launches, Diamond Previews has updated their list of new launches for products soliciting in the the March issue of Previews. The products ship in May / June 06. Exact retail dates for these titles are not known, so they have not been added to the release list.

Manga and Manga Related Titles Include:

ADV Manga
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days

Americanime Productions

Antartic Press
Gold Digger Throne of Shadows (OEL)

Seven Seas Entertainment
Aoi House (OEL)

.hack//SIGN Another Birth Novel
Devil May Cry Novel
Dogby Walks Alone (OEL)
Mail Order Ninja (OEL)

Naruto Collector Magazine

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