Fullmetal Alchemist for DS

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy due out In America this Fall

Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy, released in Japan in July 2005 by Bandai, is set to be released in North America this fall (October 24 according to Gamestop). The Nintendo DS game is being adapted for the English speaking market by Destineer, which made the announcement yesterday.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy is a side-scrolling action game that features two modes of play, "story mode" and "character mode", and covers the entire 51-episode TV series. Story mode allows the player to take control of the Elric Brothers during their quest to find the Philosopher's Stone, while character mode allows them to take control of one of several supporting characters such as Roy Mustang, Izumi Curtis, Alex Louis Armstrong or Scar.

The game's Story Mode includes numerous cinematics and cut scenes that will feature the English voices of Viz's anime release.

The DS's touch screen is used to draw transmutation circles used in alchemy spells as well as for numerous touch screen mini-games such as "Whack-a-Homunculus."

Thanks to Josh Milewski for this item.

Errata: The above article originally referred to "Viz's anime release." This was incorrect, Funimation releases the anime and produced the English dub. Viz is releasing the English adaptation of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga.

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