Hachette Book Group Considering Manga

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Graphic Novels COnsidered for Addition to Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Imprint

The Hachette Book Group (formerly Warner Books), publisher of the Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (Little Brown) imprint, is considering the addition of a graphic novel imprint under Little Brown.

Last week, Hachette hired Rich Johnson, former v-p of trade book sales at D.C. Comics. According to Megan Tingley, v-p and publisher of Little Brown, Johnson was hired to "explore the possibility of launching a graphic novel imprint."

Little Brown is considering the launch of a broad line of graphic novels that would include, but not be limited to manga and OEL manga as well as webcomics and original American comics.

According to Publishers Weekly (PW), Little, Brown is "emphatic" that they are only "considering" the graphic novel imprint. PW adds that Hachette is the only major New York publisher to not have a comic book program of some sort.

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