Tokyo Project Gathering Anime Related Projects

posté à par Christopher Macdonald
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Lament of the Lamb Movie Details, a new project from the producers of Appleseed, and more.

The Tokyo Project Gathering is a segement of TIFFCOM, that brings producers together to present their projects and seek out co-operation opportunities.

At The Tokyo Project Gathering yesterday, Mr. Stuart Levy, CEO of Tokyopop, presented the Lament of the Lamb - live-action movie project.

The following are the key points of the presentation:

Lament of the Lamb by Tokyopop.
Live action film
Looking for Co-production, Investment, Distributions
In production 2007
Budget: USD 3,000,000
Time: 120min
Category: Horror & Drama
Film & Digital
Director: To be Announced (Japanese Director)
Producer: Stuart Levy
Original Story: Kei Toume - Gentosha Comics TOKYOPOP
Shooting in Romania

Other anime projects that were presented include:

BAD GIRL by Micott & Basara Inc.
SF Love Story
Director: Hisayasu Sato

Be Rockin' by ANON Pictures. Ltd
Musical animation
Digital film
Director: Tadashi Matsuyama

Distance of Desire by Winky Soft Co., LTD.
Action fantasy
Digital film
Director: TBA

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