Victor Entertainment Holding Open Auditions For The Heroine of a "Blockbuster Anime"

posté à par Evan Miller
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Winning applicant will perform voice acting and singing duties

Music company Victor Entertainment recently announced that it was searching for a "heroine" to sing and voice act for a "blockbuster" anime.

According to the official site for the auditions, women who are first year students in middle school through age 25 and are not married may apply. Applicants must submit a recording of two songs and two pictures, along with the official application form. Applicants who pass the first screening will be asked to try out in person by performing a song and reading lines of dialog.

Considerable speculation surrounds the auditions since Victor has a long track record of working on the music for a number of big-name anime properties, including Gundam Seed, Akira and Trigun.

Source: Anime!Anime!

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