Oshii Films at South Korea's Jeonju Int'l Film Fest

posté à par Evan Miller
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Film festival to also feature screenings of Tekkon Kinkreet

The 8th Annual Jeonju International Film Festival, one of the largest showcases of independent films in South Korea, will feature a special program about famed anime director Mamoru Oshii entitled "Midnight Obsession 3: Amazing World of Mamoru Oshii." Films by the director that will be shown at the festival include the recent experimental animated film Tachiguishi Retsuden (Tachigui: The Amazing Lives of the Fast Food Grifters) and classic Oshii films such as Maroko and Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer.

In addition to screenings of Oshii films, the award winning anime film Tekkon Kinkreet will also be shown at the festival. According to the Jeonju International Film Festival webpage, the festival will feature a total of 185 films from 37 countries. The festival opens on April 26 and runs through May 4.

Source: Tokyo Anime Center

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