Masamune Shirow, I.G's Real Drive Trailer Posted Online

posté à par Egan Loo
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"Neo-futuristic science-fiction suspense" show to premiere in Japan on April 8

The official Japanese website of Masamune Shirow (Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, Ghost Hound) and Production I.G's Real Drive television anime series has posted a trailer. Production I.G animated all Ghost in the Shell movies and television series, as well as the ongoing Ghost Hound supernatural suspense series. The Real Drive "neo-futuristic science-fiction suspense" story takes place in A.D. 2061, when a new, supposedly more secure information network called the Metal has taken hold in human society. However, abberations begin to crop up as individuals chafe against the rigid system, and so-called "cyber divers" are dispatched to investigate these incidents. The series premieres in Japan on April 8.

Source: Saishin Anime Jōhō

Image © Production I.G/Shirow Masamune © 2008 DNDP, VAP, Production I.G

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